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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. unknown wasps

    unknown wasps

    nest of an unknown species of wasp. probably a kind of cooling of the nest. the wasps stayed silent without moving their wings in the midday sun.
  2. Scale-throated earthcreeper entering burrow with a scorpion on its beak

    Scale-throated earthcreeper entering burrow with a scorpion on its beak

    Yesterday, while I was guiding a couple from Chile that came looking for the Chubut Steamer Duck, I found this nest on a cliff, next to the shore. I observed the male and female as they constantly carried food for their chicks. I was surprised to see how many scorpions they were able to find...
  3. European Roller, The Nest

    European Roller, The Nest

    One of the beautiful birds in north hemisphere, I think.
  4. Grebe nest

    Grebe nest

    We moved on into the hide to see what was on the loch. From memory I'm pretty sure this was a Great Crested Grebe nest. It was quite a small object at distance, so a quite big crop. Strange, it seems so exposed and is virtually underneath an Osprey nest!
  5. Purple Martin with Nesting Material.

    Purple Martin with Nesting Material.

    A flock of Purple Martins is creating a new colony at one of my favorite lakes.
  6. Spurs Ready Southern Lapwing

    Spurs Ready Southern Lapwing

    Taken on a trip to Chile. From top to bottom and this was at Torres del Paine
  7. Kittiwake


  8. Building Home For The New Arrivals

    Building Home For The New Arrivals

    Have observed sudden arrival of scores of scaly breasted munias in the last few weeks in our area(they were not seen around here earlier). This is probably due to a spurt in the under growth because of monsoon rains. There has been frenetic activity to build nests. This one has been toiling...
  9. Wagtail nest in the water

    Wagtail nest in the water

    Stump in the water used as a nest for wagtail. They are almost ready to leave the nest. She started notocing me after 10min, she even approached me as close as 2 meters. Other photos of this nest (with and without Barlow lense) posted on flickr.com/photos/kulpinsky/


    This is a scene from Sewree Creek in Mumbai's inner harbor. Between October and March each year, thousands of flamingos migrate here from Rann of Kachchh to feed, nest and breed. They feed on algae and other microbes on the sea bed in shallow waters and hence keep shifting to areas convenient...
  11. Homeward Bound

    Homeward Bound

    Driving on the outskirts of the city, found scores of egrets returning to their nesting place. The sun had just set and had to shoot from the car in low light with the birds flying away from the camera.
  12. By The Left, Quick March! (Flock of Flamingos, Minor)

    By The Left, Quick March! (Flock of Flamingos, Minor)

    This flock of beautiful flamingos are seasonal visitors to Mumbai. They arrive in thousands to feed, nest and breed at the mud flats.
  13. Black Redstart #7

    Black Redstart #7

    Sorry to have to post and run this morning, only time for a few comments. We have visitors arriving shortly, so I'll have to crack on. Definitely my last upload of these lovely birds, this is for Tom (flossiepip), who asked for another. Thank you all for your kind comments on my last post of...
  14. Black Redstart #4

    Black Redstart #4

    A post and run today as I'm birding at 6am, I may not get back to you all for a while as we have unexpected, but welcome, guests tomorrow. We have a fair bit to do before they get here. This was taken just before 8pm, as you can see the light wasn't at its best, but pleased to get a shot of the...
  15. Black Redstart #2

    Black Redstart #2

    A post and run today I'm afraid, gotta get the kids to the airport in time for their flight to blighty. Have a great week everyone, at least 10 days of 'scorchio' to come, it was already 22C at 7am when I was out with the pooch! Delia says this is a female, which makes me wonder where the male...
  16. Black Redstart #1

    Black Redstart #1

    So delighted that these lovely birds have chosen to nest in our wall again this year. They spent a while sizing the place up and a couple of weeks ago eventually chose the hole next to lasts years visitors. I think this is the female, sometimes it's hard to tell them apart, even though I know...
  17. Black Redstart

    Black Redstart

    We were very lucky to have a family of Black Redstarts nesting in the wall in our yard. This adult male was waiting for the female to exit before delivering his catch.
  18. wasps' nest

    wasps' nest

    I didn't get too close when I took this photo!
  19. Bay Wren

    Bay Wren

    Got this one today, it was gathering nest material and I was lucky to get this shot. As always this bird was very suspicious and did not want it's picture taken.
  20. Now, that's what I call a nest!

    Now, that's what I call a nest!

    Taken at Silves, a lovely town in the Algarve. One of only a few which has survived the onslought of commercialism in this once historic and peaceful area of Portugal.
  21. Adult Osprey w/ fish

    Adult Osprey w/ fish

    An adult Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) with a fish caught from the reservoir within the Ninepipes NWR, Mission Valley Montana
  22. Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus)

    Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus)

    one of the Great Horned Owls which call the research ranch home.
  23. Rough-legged Hawk (Buteo lagopus)

    Rough-legged Hawk (Buteo lagopus)

    Rough-legged Hawk hunting in field to the north of the main building at research ranch (Mission Valley Montana)
  24. orchard Orioles with Nest

    orchard Orioles with Nest

    17x14 inches. Charcoal and pastel on Strathmore #500 Bristol. Based on photos and sketches of Orchard Orioles and nest seen at Morris Arboretum in Philadelphia, PA in June, 2010.
  25. Baby Sunbird - Nectarina jugularis

    Baby Sunbird - Nectarina jugularis

    Photo taken on our back veranda where the sunbirds built a nest. This baby was ready to fly and left the nest that day on what I think was its first flight.