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  1. Siskin in an alder tree

    Siskin in an alder tree

    A common visitor to the lake near my apartment and I finally managed to take a photo of one that I actually quite like! :-)
  2. Baltimore Orioles

    Baltimore Orioles

    For the last week, I had been seeing the female. The week before that, the male. And now, I finally managed to capture both of them at once. Well, for a second. As you can see, the male is landing and the female is leaving. My favorite photo I have ever taken!
  3. M

    (USA-Missouri-Kansas City) Oriole? Warbler? Pics Included

    Got a new pair of binoculars today and promptly saw this particular bird at my bird feeder for the first time. It was yellow-orange with a black “neck-tie.” Bigger than a house sparrow but smaller than an American robin. Could be an Oriole perhaps, but there are lots of warblers this time of...
  4. Large Orange Sulphur (off-white female)

    Large Orange Sulphur (off-white female)

    Large Orange Sulphur (Phoebis argarithe: Pieridae ) Wingspan 5.7-7.0 cm (2.25-2.75 in) Off-white female. Nectaring Chinese abelia (Abelia chinensis: Caprifoliaceae).
  5. Orange Sulphur

    Orange Sulphur

    Orange Sulphur (Colias eurytheme: Pieridae) Wingspan 3.8-6.4 cm (1.5-2.5 in) Nectaring largeseed forget-me-not.
  6. Where Sun's Are Born

    Where Sun's Are Born

    I was surprised to discover the place from where each days new sun arrives ;) https://www.tomcharlesphotography.co.uk/
  7. Ringed Plover

    Ringed Plover

    This lovely little guy was not too bothered about me being pretty close to him. I didn't see him at first as he was well camouflaged against the sand. Isle of Bute Scalpsie Bay on Saturday Morning.
  8. Ringed Plover

    Ringed Plover

    This lovely little guy was not too bothered about me being pretty close to him. I didn't see him at first as he was well camouflaged against the sand. Isle of Bute Scalpsie Bay on Saturday Morning.
  9. Lunt--09-04-2019-47


    Black Necked Grebe Podiceps, nigricollis
  10. Eastern Bluebird

    Eastern Bluebird

    This bluebird was at my brother's farm.
  11. Sleepy Orange

    Sleepy Orange

    Sleepy Orange (Eurema nicippe: Pieridae) Wingspan 3.5-5.1 cm (1.4-2.0 in).
  12. Hummingbird with yellow breast and throat; Need help identifying

    Hummingbird with yellow breast and throat; Need help identifying

    This hummingbird landed near me when I was at a photo shoot in the San Diego Botanic Garden. I cannot find anything on the web that looks like this.
  13. Orange Hermit Butterfly

    Orange Hermit Butterfly

    One of my the best record in butterfly-watching. Chazara bischoffii bischoffii (Herrich-Schaffer, [1846])
  14. Sunrise in Aurora

    Sunrise in Aurora

    I get up very early due to the time difference when I visit my family in Colorado...so what else is there to do, but go capture some beautiful sunrises.
  15. Orange Minivet - Male

    Orange Minivet - Male

  16. Orange Minivet - Female

    Orange Minivet - Female

  17. African Hoopoo

    African Hoopoo

    African Hoopoo (Upupa africana) foraging for beetle larvae in the yard. When it caught one, a nearby observing Fiscal Flycatcher tried to steal its catch without success. As a result of this, the Hoopoo raised its crest of which I took this beautiful picture.
  18. Orange Tip Butterfly

    Orange Tip Butterfly

  19. Let there be light

    Let there be light

    Got up super early this morning, so I took advantage of it and went out for the sunrise...glad I did!
  20. TWS


    The weekly sunset- This time nothing spectacular, but still a great image. The sky lighted up like fire...
  21. TWS


    The Weekly Sunset (TWS) - Taken from the porch at our house in Amazonas Brazil. Sunsets here tend to occur at 6:30 P.M This is only a tiny, tiny part of it! The sun throws its colors around the sky in shades of pink, orange, red, blue, even green!
  22. A flower for you...

    A flower for you...

    I'm not the expert on flowers, so I'm turning this over to somebody else. Great flower though, I like it :-O
  23. Brazilian Sunset

    Brazilian Sunset

    Ok... so this is not really landscape, but I think it passes;) We get sunsets like these almost every evening!
  24. Orange Flower

    Orange Flower

  25. Spotted butterfly

    Spotted butterfly

    I love the colors on this butterfly!