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song thrush

  1. He couldn't keep away

    He couldn't keep away

    A couple of weeks after the first visit of the autumn at the end of September, this lovely thrush returned, this time he sat up in the beech hedge, giving a rather more attractive setting (that hedge is all brown now!) TTTW
  2. Who's there?

    Who's there?

    Hot on the heels of the Magpie (a first) and Great Tit, another occasional visitor returned to the garden in this beautiful Song Thrush appeared at the very end of September!! I caught brief glimpses of him over the next month too, rarely managing a picture, but think there may be more to come...
  3. long time no see

    long time no see

    this beauty. unlike those who use to come before, this one was very shy appeared only when he wanted to drink water. hope you like it. thanks.
  4. Song Thrush

    Song Thrush

    Song Thrush.
  5. Song thrush

    Song thrush

    One of those shots you take thinking it will be rubbish - a year later I quite like this shot now.
  6. Song Thrush

    Song Thrush

    Song Thrush.
  7. Song Thrush

    Song Thrush

    I noticed this fellow amongst the dense foliage that runs alongside the Leeds-Liverpool Canal just by Aintree Racecourse - it took a few looks before I could make him out!
  8. Song thrush

    Song thrush

  9. Song Thrush

    Song Thrush

    One for Delia!!!
  10. Song Thrush

    Song Thrush

    It's pleasing to note that I've recorded a Song Thrush each month this winter - that's the first time it's happened. This was taken in March - remains to be seen if April also brings a record! This was not a very nice day, so rather poor light. TTTW
  11. Song Thrush

    Song Thrush

  12. Song thrush

    Song thrush

  13. Saturday Fun.....

    Saturday Fun.....

    ..... I was focused... honest! Gosh I've had this one in the folder waiting to be published since this time last year LOL. I'm not too sure why he decided to have a shake. From memory a Song Thrush;)
  14. .... and he came back

    .... and he came back

    A day after my last picture of him, he returned and sat in the tree for a while. Isn't it nice when they do that LOL Though a lot of attempts to get his head in the right position, away from that twig! Didn't dare open the window so... TTTW
  15. Song Thrush

    Song Thrush

    One of my rarer garden birds put in an appearance at the beginning of December. Always a joy to see these guys. I heard one singing its head off in some trees beside the Tesco car park the other day! TTTW
  16. Song Thrush

    Song Thrush

    The answer to yesterday's quiz. You hopeless lot... none of you got it right LOL Blue Tits I get every day.... and I can't see any 'blue' on him. Don't see any yellow for a Siskin.. but that would have fitted for 'less common'. Wren would also have fitted for 'less common'. Tree Sparrow? I...
  17. Song Thrush

    Song Thrush

    Entered my apartment and left a message on the carpet!!!
  18. Song Thrush

    Song Thrush

    Song Thrush
  19. Song Thrush

    Song Thrush

    Turning up at my feeding area but the Blackbird chases it off.
  20. Song Thrush

    Song Thrush

    Taken at my old address
  21. Song Thrush

    Song Thrush

    I don't see many of these around locally so I was quite surprised to see several feeding with the Redwings and numerous Blackbirds I think they are all incoming migrants from Scandanavia and competing with the outward bound Ring Ouzels for food
  22. Song Thrush

    Song Thrush

    Have a great weekend y'all.
  23. Song Thrush

    Song Thrush

    In the afternoon we went along the road a little to Dunollie Castle: http://www.dunollie.org/ .... well Clive and Glen walked, I took the car of course!! While waiting for them to appear, I had a nosey around the woodland area near the car park. This Song Thrush wasn't at all playing ball...
  24. Immature Song Thrush

    Immature Song Thrush

    I haven't seen a Song Thrush or any thrush for so long...and this little chappie/chappess sits for me on his outside toilet..quite unfazed by me....ahh, that made me so happy. The nest was obviously just inside those riverside trees. I'll be back for more!
  25. Song Thrush

    Song Thrush

    This photograph was taken while I was watching TV, thru a window. What could be easier?