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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. Jackdaw


  2. Common raven fledgling

    Common raven fledgling

  3. Goldcrest


  4. European robin

    European robin

  5. Willow warbler

    Willow warbler

  6. Purple sandpiper

    Purple sandpiper

  7. Whooper swan

    Whooper swan

    19 whooper swans gathered downstream of Nedre leirfossen dam where the water is slightly warmer and does not freeze over in the cold winter days. They usually come in smaller groups and migrate south after resting for a few days. But this year a local lady (very conviced that they will die...
  8. Bohemian waxwing

    Bohemian waxwing

  9. Rook


  10. Crested tit

    Crested tit

    Two new photorgaphic opportunites at the same place, the siberian jay and the crested tit.
  11. Siberian jay

    Siberian jay

    New lifer up at a feeder in the mountain in Trondheim.
  12. Eurasian three toed woodpecker

    Eurasian three toed woodpecker

  13. Common gull

    Common gull

  14. Comon eider

    Comon eider

    Female common eider carefully looking around for predators as the ducklings are swimming nearby.
  15. 3K Glaucous gull

    3K Glaucous gull

    After several failed trips to photograph the Glaucous gull, I finally managed to see and photograph it up close at Nedre Leirfossen.
  16. Glaucous gull x Herring gull hybrid

    Glaucous gull x Herring gull hybrid

    Based on the local observations, I went to Nedre leirfossen to photograph the Glaucous gull. My inexperienced eyes noted it as a Glaucous gull, which was soon proved wrong by the local reviewers. I found the gull finally today, will post the photo soon.
  17. Iceland gull

    Iceland gull

  18. European greenfinch

    European greenfinch

  19. Common merganser

    Common merganser

  20. Eurasian siskin

    Eurasian siskin

    One of the fifty siskins at the feeder today, perched on a snow-capped pine tree.
  21. Common redpoll

    Common redpoll

    A bif flock of Eurasian siskins have been at the feeder all day because of a snowstorm. There was a suddenly flash of red in the window. Quickly grabbing the camera, I managed to photograph this beautiful redpoll in the garden.
  22. Little stint

    Little stint

    This injured little stint with an injured leg was spotted in Leangenbukta yesterday and is most certainly the last one to migrate south from Trondheim. It was limping on the stump in the right foot while feeding.
  23. Black headed gull

    Black headed gull

  24. Common eider

    Common eider

  25. Dunlin

