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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.

wedge-tailed eagle

  1. Wedge-tailed Eagle

    Wedge-tailed Eagle

    Raven chasing off a Wedge-tailed Eagle
  2. Wedge-tailed Eagle

    Wedge-tailed Eagle

    Wedge-tailed Eagle
  3. Wedge-tailed Eagle

    Wedge-tailed Eagle

    Wedge-tailed Eagle
  4. ... and away

    ... and away

    We sat looking at the eagle for a little longer then he took off. This was our final sighting of this particular Wedge-tailed Eagle. Then we headed deeper into the mountains on a pretty rough road.
  5. Best view

    Best view

    The Wedge-tailed Eagle eventually crossed the road in front of us then settled in a tree. I've a funny feeling that Peter may have taken this picture, as he was on the right side of the car and I may have spooked him while getting out. But he still gave me the best view of an eagle I've ever had!!!
  6. Keeping up

    Keeping up

    Some miles later, we turned off onto a dirt road to Angorachina. Almost immediately a Wedge-tailed Eagle joined us, flying alongside the car for quite a while. He really gave me a great photo opportunity, as due to the road surface we had to drive very slowly, partly due to the bumps, but also...
  7. Following


    We were far from done with Wedge-tailed Eagle sightings for a couple of miles down the road, was one flying alongside us. Quite pleased with this one, taken from a moving car LOL
  8. Jay Walkers..... guess not!

    Jay Walkers..... guess not!

    We eventually came out onto the main road that ran up the other side of the mountains from where we were staying.... rather a rough track all the way, so maybe a long road for a short-cut comes to mind LOL. Rounding a series of bends we came across a group of Australian Raven, with a couple of...
  9. High up

    High up

    After another awesome breakfast we headed for a couple of miles back towards Hawker before taking a rather rough road across to Moralana. We didn't see too much bird life initially, but then spotted a large blob sitting high up on a ridge. Couldn't really have been anything else but a...
  10. Riding the thermals

    Riding the thermals

    We went to the town of Blinman and I was surprised to see another Emu there, walking across the road as if he owned the town!!! We went to the hotel for lunch (the Pub in the Scrub) as it's affectionately known. In there was information about the Cazneux Tree... a very old gum tree standing...
  11. Wedge-tailed Eagle

    Wedge-tailed Eagle

    Wedge-tailed Eagle
  12. Wedge-tailed Eagle

    Wedge-tailed Eagle

  13. Wedge-tailed Eagle

    Wedge-tailed Eagle

    Wedge-tailed Eagle
  14. Wedge-tailed Eagle

    Wedge-tailed Eagle

    Wedge-tailed Eagle
  15. S

    Wedge-tailed Eagles and The Power Graph

    What began as a bit of a look at Wedge-tailed Eagles morphed into a think about what limits the size and weight of eagles and birds in general by looking at the power required vs airspeed relationship. How behaviour and geographic range maybe limited in large birds such as albatross. The power...
  16. Wedge-tailed Eagle .... Bunjil

    Wedge-tailed Eagle .... Bunjil

    A pencil sketch of a Wedge-tailed Eagle .... Bunjil - the creator spirit of the Dreaming - very important in Indigenous culture. Magnificent raptors with recorded wingspans of 2.84m and anecdotal reports of 10ft+ birds. Preying on animals up to the size of full grown Kangaroos - they truly are...
  17. Wedge-tailed Eagle (imm)

    Wedge-tailed Eagle (imm)

    Not the usual view!
  18. Soaring


    I thought the eagle had finished with me, but he suddenly took off and there I was floundering with my camera trying for a flight shot. Got one eventually and quite pleased to get that tail shape. That's it for these guys for a while, anyway!;) We then drove through the Parachilna gorge up to...
  19. Perched


    The eagle then flew across the road in front of us and I thought that was the end of it. But not at all, he landed on a tall bush beside the road, giving me a lovely close view. WOW! I love these guys.
  20. Company


    After some more miles along this tarmacked road, we turned off toward Angorachina It started with a long straight dirt road and almost immediately we had the company of a Wedge-tailed Eagle flying alongside us. What a thrill that was.
  21. Feeding frenzy

    Feeding frenzy

    We'd now made our way across to the metaled road on the other side of the mountains. Sadly there were a number of road kills on the road, all attracting scavengers. This group consisted mostly of Australian Ravens and a single Wedge-tailed Eagle. Picture quality isn't great, as I took it...
  22. Ridged


    This day we drove a little south then turned on to a dirt road taking us through to Moralana. Quite a scenic drive. We didn't see many birds to start with, but suddenly there was one spied on a distant ridge. From the size, it really couldn't have been anything else than a Wedge-tailed Eagle...
  23. Wedgie


    After our picnic lunch of course we then had to drive all the way back to the main road! Then continued up it to the town of Blinman. There we sat in the pub having a nice cold drink. Time to head back now and half-way along an emergency stop was called for to see this Wedge-tailed Eagle. This...
  24. Wedge-tailed Eagle (imm)

    Wedge-tailed Eagle (imm)

    Some years ago we had the thrill of seeing this bird close to. An adult flew off, but the inexperienced juvenile allowed me to approach within full-frame distance and take dozens of shots in all poses! In fact I see one of these shots is already in Opus!
  25. Wedge-tailed Eagle

    Wedge-tailed Eagle

    Seen in a tree by the roadside, on our way to Fogg Dam (I did explain, I think, why the photos from that day are not in chronological order). Taken at an angle through the van window, which may be why the camera refused to give me a sharp focus. Too bad, since he did sit there for quite a while...