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west papua

  1. Magnificent Bird-of-Paradise

    Magnificent Bird-of-Paradise

    Courting display of the Magnificent Bird-of-Paradise
  2. Magnificent Riflebird (Ptiloris magnificus) | Arfak Mountains, West Papua #birdsofparadise #shorts

    Magnificent Riflebird (Ptiloris magnificus) | Arfak Mountains, West Papua #birdsofparadise #shorts

  3. Blue-black Kingfisher

    Blue-black Kingfisher

    When I was opening my picture files, I found this photograph of Blue-black Kingfisher which I took last year in March 2023. I was guiding a couple of Dutch tourists in the lowland rainforest of Sorong. This bird could be found in the coastal mangrove forest and in deeper area of tropical...
  4. Birding In West Papua

    Birding In West Papua

    Video showing the various birds, animals, flowers observed during our birding trip to West Papua. The video features the following Birds-of-paradise Western Parotia Lesser Bird-of-Paradise Red Bird-of-Paradise King Bird-of-Paradise Magnificent Bird-of-Paradise Magnificent Riflebird Black...
  5. Wilson's Bird-of-Paradise in Waigeo Rainforests

    Wilson's Bird-of-Paradise in Waigeo Rainforests

  6. Papuan pitta

    Papuan pitta

  7. Magnificent Riflebird (Ptiloris magnificus) | Arfak Mountains, West Papua

    Magnificent Riflebird (Ptiloris magnificus) | Arfak Mountains, West Papua

    Magnificent Riflebird
  8. Twelve-wired bird-of-paradise

    Twelve-wired bird-of-paradise

  9. King bird-of-paradise

    King bird-of-paradise

  10. Eastern Hooded Pitta in Nimbokrang

    Eastern Hooded Pitta in Nimbokrang

  11. Wilson's Bird-of-Paradise

    Wilson's Bird-of-Paradise

  12. Euchenor Swallowtail (Papilio euchenor)

    Euchenor Swallowtail (Papilio euchenor)

    I was separated from our group when I took this image and it does not appear on our trip-list. Nectaring on Chinese Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis), this large 5-6" butterfly is a member of the Swallowtail family Papilionidae. However, Indonesian swallowtails such as this in the "aegeus"...
  13. Double-eyed Fig-Parrot

    Double-eyed Fig-Parrot

    This tiny rainforest parrot usually feeds inconspicuously in the canopy. This is a male. Females are similar but lack the red cheeks. Presumably the nominate race. Other races have variably different color patterns. The race "C. d. coxeni" from coastal eastern Australia is sometimes split under...
  14. Large Green-banded Blue (Danis danis)

    Large Green-banded Blue (Danis danis)

    Very similar to the unrelated Small Green-banded Blue (Psychonotis chaeleus) I believe this is an example of aposematic mimicry in tropical butterflies. There are two kinds of aposematic mimicry: Batesian and Müllerian. In Bastesian, a tasty species mimics an unpalatable or poisonous one to...
  15. Wilson's Bird-of-Paradise in Waigeo Rainforests | Raja Ampat #wilsonsbirdofparadise #birdsphotos

    Wilson's Bird-of-Paradise in Waigeo Rainforests | Raja Ampat #wilsonsbirdofparadise #birdsphotos

  16. Red bird-of-paradise

    Red bird-of-paradise

  17. M

    Id Help - Nimbokrang, West Papua - 19

    Request Id help for these birds photographed in Nimbokrang, West Papua, Indonesia in July 2023 1) Orange-bellied Fruit-Dove? 2) Meyer's Friarbird? 3) Meyer's Friarbird? 4) Shining Flycatcher? 5) 6)
  18. Common Paradise Kingfisher

    Common Paradise Kingfisher

  19. Tiger Clubtail (Ictinogomphus lieftincki)

    Tiger Clubtail (Ictinogomphus lieftincki)

    Another distinctive dragonfly with no standard English name. Sometimes lumped as a subspecies of "I. australis." Usually classified as a Clubtail, family Gomphidae referring to the club-like widening at the end of the abdomen. Alternately it is sometimes placed in the family Lindeniidae or Tiger...
  20. Decora Skimmer (Neurothemis decora)

    Decora Skimmer (Neurothemis decora)

    This well marked midnight blue dragonfly apparently has no accepted English name so I made one up. I have not been able to find any information about this species other than it is found in New Guinea and northern Queensland and is a wetland indicator. The US National Museum reports having only...
  21. Palm Cockatoo

    Palm Cockatoo

    You think you're having a bad hair day? Nothing can compare to the outrageous punk crest of the Palm Cockatoo, but also note the massive bill and bright red facial skin. They are unique in their own genus. The red face changes color getting brighter when the bird is excited. I believe this one...
  22. Wompoo Fruit-Dove

    Wompoo Fruit-Dove

    This large spectacular fruit-dove tends to sit quietly high in the forest canopy where, despite its deep purple, green and yellow colors, it blends in with the foliage. They are named for their vocalizations. Birds in this area are the race "P. m. puella", which is the smallest and has a deeper...
  23. Streak-headed Munia

    Streak-headed Munia

    Our local guide was quite excited to spot this rather nondescript New Guinea endemic. The streaking on the head is highly variable. This is presumably the paler nominate race. I believe this is a male. Females are paler below and more uniformly streaked. Sometimes lumped with White-spotted...
  24. Puff-backed Honeyeater

    Puff-backed Honeyeater

    This is a difficult identification, but the consensus favors Puff-backed Honeyeater over the almost identical Mimic Honeyeater (Microptilotis analogus). If we have this right, it should be the race "sharpei" found in West Papua which has a more elongated ear-patch and brighter greenish-olive...
  25. Golden Cuckooshrike

    Golden Cuckooshrike

    This striking Golden Cuckooshrike reminds me of the Golden Monarch. Both occur together in the same forests but the cuckooshrike is much larger and lacks the Monarch's white spot below the eye. This is a male. Females are similar but have a smudgy gray throat. Endemic to New Guinea, this is...