lvn600 said:
List up to 10 things you did that helped to further your interest in birding. Give a brief explanation for each if desired.-(examples-1-started taking more interest in LBJ's for the challenge. 2-started studying field guides. 3- started to take trips to see new birds 4-started taking notes--etc.
1. Bought some decent bins.
2. Bought a lot of books - every one has a different story to tell and sometimes if I couldn't id the bird with one book I could by the time I'd read 5.
3. Watched my son's British Birds DVD a lot. Seeing the birds moving is a huge help to id-ing them.
4. Joined the local Bird Club and went out on walks.
5. Went on some guided trips - good for learning id and picking up some fieldcraft.
6. Spent as much as time as possible out looking at birds. Sometimes the same birds over and over. Trying to really get to know what they look like and what they do.
7. Found a birding teenager who couldn't drive and offered him lifts in exchange for help. This has been a great deal for me cos he's good company, too.
8. Eavesdropped constantly in hides. Picked up a lot of birds this way!
9. Acquired a local patch. Great for learning more about the habits of different birds. Had no idea some warblers were so territorial.
10. Bought a scope. Got hooked on seawatching.
I thought 10 would be hard but actually I can still think of more. Of course, the net result of all this 'furthering your interest' is that you end up a hopeless addict, spending all your money on optics and all your time out, neglecting your family. Maybe we shouldn't be promoting this(LOL)!