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Abandoned Finch nest (1 Viewer)


New member
United States
I'm new here so I don't know if I'm posting in the right thread but I have a Finch nest that has been in my laundry room for 2 years now. The mother recently laid eggs and they hatched about a week ago (3/18 or 3/19). We had seen the mother in the nest and the father bringing food back-and-forth but the past 2 days I haven't seen either parent but the chicks are alive because they lift their head up if a noise is made. We've tried to be as quiet and non disturbing as we could but since they're in my laundry room I have no choice but to go in there a couple times a day. My laundry room is attached to my house but it has its own door and we leave it open so the parents can get back-and-forth without any problems. My question is how will I know if the chicks have been abandoned? I don't want to touch or disturb their nest if the mother is coming back but I also don't want them to die if she's not. I'm new to this and I don't know anything about birds I've tried to look info up but I can't find the answers that I'm looking for. I'm hoping someone on here can help me out.
Hi Stina and welcome to BirdForum :)

From what I found the chicks will need to be fed every 2 to 3 hours. Baby finches do not have beaks strong enough to break open seeds and be able to eat them properly. Thus, house finches only give their young mashed seeds that are easy for them to digest. Mashed vegetable matter can consist of weed seeds, sunflower seeds, dandelion seeds, and thistle and I would use tweezers to try and feed them mashed up seeds.

You might want to try and locate a humane society near you.
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