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Algeria binoculars (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Does anyone know if the restrictions on taking binoculars into Algeria still applies? My belief is that it does. I've posted a comment to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on facebook (under the post mentioning the visit of the Nicaraguan envoy). See if I can shame them into doing something about it, as it is a bit silly. If anyone wants to add anything there, feel free to do do.
Does anyone know if the restrictions on taking binoculars into Algeria still applies? My belief is that it does. I've posted a comment to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on facebook (under the post mentioning the visit of the Nicaraguan envoy). See if I can shame them into doing something about it, as it is a bit silly. If anyone wants to add anything there, feel free to do do.
Hi Arbu,

friends of mine went this spring for the nuthatch and the restrictions were still being applied then.


Hi Arbu,

friends of mine went this spring for the nuthatch and the restrictions were still being applied then.


Thanks, I thought as much. They ought to spell out what harm they think binoculars can do, as it just feels like paranoia as it stands.
Thanks, I thought as much. They ought to spell out what harm they think binoculars can do, as it just feels like paranoia as it stands.
It is clear what they think the harm can be - insurgents/militants can use them. Whether we outsiders see this as a credible reason or whatever is a separate question.
It is clear what they think the harm can be - insurgents/militants can use them. Whether we outsiders see this as a credible reason or whatever is a separate question.
I suppose so. If insurgents can get hold of guns though, it must be pretty easy for them to get hold of binoculars.
I suppose so. If insurgents can get hold of guns though, it must be pretty easy for them to get hold of binoculars.
As said, we may debate whether it is a credible reason or if effective, but the rationale is there and all (or most) the countries that do impose restrictions on binoculars either currently have recently have had conflicts or ongoing insurgency.
I'm sure there's a rationale, but I'd quite like to question it in case it can be reconsidered. I don't suppose it will be of course. btw you can buy these over the border in Bamako so I can't see that people on guided tours could provide much of a source of regular binoculars to insurgents.
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