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Andrews Sketchpad (1 Viewer)

. . . and you'd be hard-pushed to find a shag's nest that didn't have some creel rope incorporated into the structure. Looking forward to seeing this one happening.
As to rubbish in nests...in not too many days, I'll be floating a river with many, many Osprey nests. In ranch country here, nylon rope is used for many things, and said rope seems to come mostly in two shades - bright orange, and bright blue. Osprey seem unable to resist incorporating this rope into their nests, and there are a number of nests along the river than have substantial lengths of rope trailing down from them - in one case, I would estimate as much as fifteen feet. Whatever works, I guess...!

Won't believe it 'til I see it John, in your new journal:eat:
Ive always wanted to venture up to the Northern islands.......Might even lern somthing from the local Artist himself.....?
Easel Advice please

Ok, so Ive made the leap and purchased this Field Easel, (half price sale), and notice that the lid to the pull out box, comes off as a palette.....If i go and get really rustic and use it for mixing the paints, will it need to be sealed with gesso, to stop the acylic paint being sucked in to the wood grain...?

At the moment, it like trying to make a drunk octopus stand to attention (sorry for all you octopie (?) out there), but getting it into position is abit of a job at the moment, is there a really easy way to 'erect' it without looking silly.....would a tazer work on it. ????
it should be sealed already, if not then use polyurathane, not gesso, you don't want your paints to stick, and don't use white outside it reflects too much into your eyes.I left mine wood, some people paint it midtone grey so you can see what value your colors are better. Tends to be hard to judge values outside.

good painting!
yet another WiP

The nesting gull has taken a back seat for now, and thought I d have a go at what I like best - Landscape taken very loosly from an old photo....So I started this one (Which I WILL finish I promise), but am having a personal problem with the grain of the canvas showing through, much as i did with the Gull.

Mounts bay.jpg

Ive therefore dug out my Mountboard Offcuts (from when I had a load of photo mounts cut for me), and have started to prep them with Guesso, with the idea of having a go on Mountboard instead...and return with a nesting gull and more I Hope....
Andrew I sometimes scrape on an additional coat of gesso with a large putty knife, pushing it into the weave to fill it up some, since I think you paint in acrylic, you could nearly fill it, if oils leave some it helps to bond the first layers.
Thanks Colleen,
The canvas on boards that Im using are already primed (with guesso I presume), but I take your meaning by adding an extra layer and 'filling' the pattern. Ive just finished prepping 8 pieces of Mountboard with Guesso (three layers, as advised by 'Mike the muse') so will be giving that a go for the nesting Gull once this landscape is done...
At last the current piece is finished, well, upto the point where I feel that anymore fiddling will be too much....But as ever Im open to suggestions. Its based on a photograph, but it took a darker and more sinister direction with the clouds...
St Michaels Mount.jpg
Ive decided that the canvas thing is a bit more effort in that I dont feel that the paint is 'covering' very well, and Im left with holes in the colour...Ive prepped up some mount board for the next one, which may well be the nesting gull.....Ive already been told that this view could take on soo many moods, but Im not sure I could create 100 versions like Colleen is doing with her waves..
Oh well......Upwards and onwards
Thanks Nick,
No artwork being done at the moment, 14 - 15 Hrs days and weekend working at the moment, Hope to be back soon......
Greatly inspired by Tim's Coastal work in charcoal, and Colleens series of waves, I thought I'd have a go....
charcoal 001.jpg
Well, not the results I'd hoped for, mainly down to the long hours worked, and little rest, Im currently caught up in...I think also that I hadn't prepared myself mentally.
This last one is somthing I did in my Art class, Still life in Charcoal, possibly proves the point that in the right conditions, and mindset, It can be done.....
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