Dundee Birding....(target 150 in 2025).
Pre-internet days I used to be quite creative in my spare time. One of the things I used to do quite a lot was a spot of drawing. My 'style' of drawing seemed to suit inanimate objects such as aircraft and 'Old Dundee' street scenes and I struggled to get animals and birds to look 'alive'. I've tried once or twice over the intervening years to get back to drawing but I've never made any concerted effort to actually get better at trying to get the 'look' I wanted for my drawings of living creatures, so from January 1st this year I've been doing relatively quick drawings as practice to getting used to having a pencil in my hand again. The results (so far) have been rather mixed with one or two that I think are ok, a few more that are just about passable, (f you stand well back from them with your eyes half closed) and the others should've gone in the bin....
But I have to remember these are just fairly rough (5-15 minute) small drawings using one HB pencil on cheap scrap bits of printer paper and I'm posting them so I can look back as the year progresses and hopefully see improvement of some sort (and to give me an incentive to continue making time, and effort, to do at least one drawing per day). So here's where I'm at so far....
But I have to remember these are just fairly rough (5-15 minute) small drawings using one HB pencil on cheap scrap bits of printer paper and I'm posting them so I can look back as the year progresses and hopefully see improvement of some sort (and to give me an incentive to continue making time, and effort, to do at least one drawing per day). So here's where I'm at so far....
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