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April Moths 2021 (1 Viewer)

Botley Wood, Hampshire last night with 4 lamps:

Diurnea fagella 8; dyseriocrania subpurpurella 1; acleris cristana 2; Frosted Green 30; Yellow Horned 1; Red-green Carpet 1; Water Carpet 3; Double-striped Pug 2; Brindled Pug 18; Early Tooth-striped 6; Early Thorn 8; Purple Thorn 5; Oak Beauty 1; Engrailed 31; Lunar Marbled Brown 1;Scarce Prominent 2; Nut-tree Tussock 1;
Early Grey 3; Chestnut 14; Satellite 3; Clouded Drab 4;Blossom Underwing 4; Common Quaker 7; Small Quaker 24; Powdered Quaker 2;
Hebrew Character 5;Twin-spotted Quaker 4; Red Chestnut 2.

Wish my garden was this good!

Dave W
I've not yet dived into micros in any comprehensive way, need to get a field guide of some sort first (and better eyes). Good luck with Yellow Horned, although I find it hard finding the balance between wanting everything now and saving a few for future years!
Sterling, Parsons and Lewington: Field Guide to the Micromoths of Great Brtain and Ireland is the only real choice unless you want to spend a fortune.
The temperature dropped to 0.7C, but at least it stayed above freezing for the first time in about a week. 3 moths, all Brindled Beauty, new for year, Aviemore VC95.
16/04. Two hours only, as temperatures dropped too low.
1 Hebrew Character, 1 Common Quaker and 1 Lunar Marbled Brown (nfy). LMB is a beautiful moth.

17/04. Went out and used the SKI lure again in two different tetrads and had 2 Pammene giganteana in one and 1 P giganteana in the other. It is obviously anywhere there are oak trees. Also, put out the EMP lure for Emperor Moth and had 2 males in the first tetrad (a disused gravel pit area).
Ran trap for three hours and had 1 Lunar Marbled Brown, the only moth.
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18/04. Ran MV for three hours. It felt fairly warm through this period. I caught a moth. 1 Small Quaker.
Haven't bothered reporting the past few sessions, just very low numbers of Clouded Drabs & Hebrew Characters for the most part. Milder last night though and a year tick as a result, Pale Pinion, as well as a nice Early Thorn to provide variety. Mild again tonight, before turning chilly once more.


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19/04. MV till 22:15, then actinic till 06:00. 8 moths.
1 Mompha subbistrigella (nfy), 1 LBAM, 1 Parornix (prob anglicella, nfy), 1 Streamer (nfy), 1 Early Grey, 2 Common Quaker and 1 Powdered Quaker (nfy).
Plus 2 Black Sexton Beetles.
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Tried to turn this year's first Garden Carpet into a Broken-barred last night but I didn't think you guys would let me get away with that. Possessing rather more tickworthy credentials was my first Powdered Quaker. Not much else of note.


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20/04. Amazingly disappointing given it was warmer all through the night last night.
1 Beautiful Plume (nfy), 1 Many-plumed Moth, 1 Common Plume, 2 Small Quaker and 1 Double-striped Pug.
Colder again tonight.
Where are all the moths? I ran my trap on 19th and got one early grey! Some examples of Gracillaria syringella in the garden (we have quite a bit of privet). But devils to photograph.


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Not a bad trap by my standards last night:

Brindled Beauty 4
Common Quaker 2
Hebrew Character
Nut-tree Tussock NFY 2
Small Quaker
Clouded Drab
Twin-spotted Quaker

Probably go again tonight though being clear it might be quite cool.

I've had three moths, so far this month and one of them was a tick!

It's just been too cold and windy here but I put the light on, on the 19th and all I got was a single Herald. On the 20th, I got a Common Quaker and a Tawny Pinion which wasn't even on my radar.


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21/04. The excitement rises. One Hebrew Character.
I'm with Surreybirder - "Where are all the moths?" Def not in my bit of Herts.
Next 7 days looking grim. I may have to hibernate.
I have only added four species from our gardens - two from mine and two from a friend's - in April to take me to 45 moth species for the year:-
63.069 - Eudonia angustea
70.103 - Water Carpet
73.247 - Powdered Quaker
70.239 - Purple Thorn

However, assistance has been requested from Natural England for records from a local Nature Reserve for future management decisions which resulted in a friend producing a record of Dyseriocrania subpurpurella by day to take me to 46 species.

Then on Monday despite the conditions, we trapped there - a significant effort till 2am when the last light was turned off at 3 degrees - with 100 moths of 28 species of which 15 were new for the year taking me to 61 species for the patch for the year:-

49.080 - Acleris hastiana
49.084 - Acleris notana
49.363 - Pammene argyrana
65.015 - Frosted Green
70.051 - Red Twin-spot Carpet
70.094 - Small Phoenix
70.160 - White-spotted Pug
70.202 - Early Tooth-striped
70.270 - Engrailed
70.274 - Grey Birch
70.279 - White-pinion Spotted
71.011 - Lunar Marbled Brown
71.013 - Pebble Prominent
71.018 - Lesser Swallow Prominent
73.032 - Nut-tree Tussock

A few pics - Pammene argyrana, Dyseriocrania subpurpurella, Lunar Marbled Brown, Frosted Green & Pine Beauty.

All the best



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Another five pics - Acleris hastiana, White-pinion Spotted, Purple Thorn, Water Carpet & Pebble Prominent.


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Final set of pics from the month so far.....

Acleris notana, White-spotted Pug, Powdered Quaker, Nut-tree Tussock & Angle Shades


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Good stuff Paul, I had my light on last night and caught zero, nothing, nada...............

Still too cold at night here.
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