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April 2022 Moths (1 Viewer)

The temperature dropped to 3.7C last night, but there were 3 moths in the trap this morning. 2 nicely marked Clouded Drabs and a really nice Hebrew Character f. gothicina.
1 Hebrew Character f. gothicina - Copy.JPG
4 moths in mine at weekend over a very chilly night. 1 each of Common Quaker and Early Grey and 2 x Hebrew Character.
April highlights so far
2 Pale Pinion
Lesser Swallow Prominent
Muslin Moth
A very dark May Highflyer I think....


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First April outing for the trap this year last night, if that makes sense! This morning's haul one each of:

Oak Tree Pug
Red-green Carpet
Clouded Drab
Shuttle-shaped Dart
Common Quaker
Chocolate Tip (the highlight and just celebrated with a most un-diety Creme Egg)
Brindled Beauty

Also a micro in the fridge calming down before I even attempt to ID it.
Edit: White-shouldered House Moth. Tick!

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Mostly low numbers of unremarkable species of late, until last night, a tick, Streamer.


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Tonight actually looks like I stand a chance of catching something.
Success. I only ever get small numbers so early in the year but 11 moths of nine species (plus an unID pug) included:
My 2nd ever Purple Thorn - the first was in July 2009!
My earliest-ever Waved Umber
My earliest-ever Rustic Shoulder-knots (2)
My earliest-ever Brimstone
A perfect condition White-spotted Pug, also my earliest-ever
What a super micro .. Agonopterix Ocellana.
Like a miniature Hebrew character! ( With more than a little imagination)


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