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Benji's 2023 List (1 Viewer)

82. Mandarin - lifer
83. Barn Swallow (forgot this one)

This one was an interesting one, I was testing out how long it took to get somewhere along the canal for birdwatching, and so had my camera with me etc. And suddenly I noticed 2 birds sitting on the edge, and just as they flew off I realised they were mandarins, which are one of the birds that I have been trying to see constantly for a long time. So I was keeping my eyes out for them as they had flown in the same direction as I was travelling, and about 5 minutes further on there they were. Then I noticed something else moving just behind, and sure enough they were another two mandarins. I stopped, considering taking a picture, but it was raining so I didn't want to risk it. I kept going on after that and round the next bend there were another two mandarins! I then was looking again on the way back, hoping that they were there as the rain had stopped. Sure enough there they were, this time only two, where I had seen them before. So I quickly whipped out my camera and started to take pictures. Then I realised on the screen it said 'no card'!

Year Total - 83, Garden Total - 23, Mammals - 5, Herps - 0, Butterflies & Moths - 1
Last edited by a moderator:
Year list looking like it might get above 100!

All seen at Thursley Common, Surrey
95. Common Cuckoo (only 3rd time heard, still never seen)
96. Hobby
97. Stonechat - lifer

27. Pied/White wagtail - heard only

7. Brown Hare

Year Total - 97, Garden Total - 27, Mammals - 7, Herps - 0, Butterflies & Moths - 5
Got over 100 in a year! 🥳

100. Little Ringed Plover
101. Reed Warbler
102. Sedge Warbler - lifer! possibly seen 2 days in a row aswell!
103. Green Woodpecker (took far too long to get this one!)
104. Barnacle Geese - another lifer, beautiful birds, will attach a pic later

Year Total - 104, Garden Total - 27, Mammals - 7, Herps - 0, Butterflies & Moths - 5
A trip to Bempton Cliffs bought about many lifers!

106. Tree Sparrow - lifer
107. Gannet - lifer
108. Kittiwake - lifer
109. Fulmar - lifer
110. Razorbill - lifer
111. Guillemot - lifer
112. Puffin - lifer

As you may be able to tell, I've never been to a seaside nature reserve before!

Year Total - 112, Garden Total - 27, Mammals - 7, Herps - 0, Butterflies & Moths - 5
Pictures from today:


  • Tree Sparrow.jpg
    Tree Sparrow.jpg
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  • Black Legged Kittiwake 1.jpg
    Black Legged Kittiwake 1.jpg
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  • Black Legged Kittiwake.jpg
    Black Legged Kittiwake.jpg
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  • Rock Dove.jpg
    Rock Dove.jpg
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  • Gannet 1.jpg
    Gannet 1.jpg
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  • Gannet 2.jpg
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  • Gannet.jpg
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  • Shag.jpg
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  • Kittiwake.jpg
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  • Fulmar.jpg
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  • Fulmar 1.jpg
    Fulmar 1.jpg
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  • Gannet (Close).jpg
    Gannet (Close).jpg
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  • Kittiwake 2.jpg
    Kittiwake 2.jpg
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  • Gannet 4.jpg
    Gannet 4.jpg
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  • Puffin 1.jpg
    Puffin 1.jpg
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