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Bienvenue 'chez Nick' (1 Viewer)


The word 'rubbish' can mean just that...rubbish ie garbage...but in this case...[as when used amongst friends]...it is a 'given' that they don't mean it...quite the opposite in fact...!

When i see something obviously brilliant i say..."thats really sh*t"...and my friends will know that i mean the exact reverse...[of course if you don't know how certain people behave verbally then this can easily be misconstrude...as very rude]...;)

ps...i hope that makes sense...most of what i say doesn't....:smoke:


Thanks for the explanation user. I'm afraid that I have my own sense of humor that is so dry it passes most people by. Some people would say that qualifies as NO sense of humor. ;) In any case I did realize that Tim et al. were kidding and didn't take it as some sort of sudden and unexplained rudeness from Tim. I tried to carry it one step further by pretending that I didn't understand it, etc., etc. I need to remember that there is a reason for emoticons and that I should use them more!!:bounce::bounce:
Evening all, I'm back from an excellent three days birding in Mallorca - an absolutely wonderful place to see lots of exciting birds in a very relaxed atmosphere with lots of friendly birders from all over the world. I'll post a first little lot of sketches (I filled two sketchbooks almost!) but then I really need to get cracking with the paints!

These are some of the goodies to be found in the Boquer valley, in the north of the island and two minutes from where I was staying. Full of prickly plants and goats, there are also innumerable Sardinian Warblers, up to twelve Eleonora's Falcons, a pair of Booted Eagle (one of which was seen chasing Red-legged Partridges along a cliff face) a displaying pair of Blue Rock Thrushes and perhaps the star of the trip - the Balearic Warbler, which does not give itself up easily at all!!!

1) Blue Rock Thrush male, Sardinian Warbler and Eleonora's Falcon
2) Blue Rock Thrush
3) Sardinian Warbler and Balearic Warbler
4)Balearic Warbler, Eleonora's Falcon and Booted Eagle (upside down - turn your head!)
5) Balearic Warbler


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Hi Nick! I have to say that it has been pure pleasure looking through your thread, beautiful and inspiring paintings! Really looking forward for more!
next installation - Audouin's Gulls - having lived in coastal Wales for 5 years, I got used to big white birds at my feet - but I doubt I'd ever get used to big white and slightly grey birds with red bills on the beach. The first evening I was there, I had put my coins in the phonebox so I could let my parents know I'd got there safely - then upon seeing these distinctive birds, there was a panic to get my coins out of the machine and get the sketchbook out. Also a random sketch of the Cattle egret colony at S'Albufera with a passing visit from a Squacco - and a sketch of my potential lifer Glossy Ibis that was probably a distant Cormorant (or possibly not) - next time I'll pay more attention to the head. Mr Baber is NOT allowed to comment on that particular debacle as it's his fault I had Ibis on the brain!;)


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Splendid field work, and as always it seems so effortless. This is something to strive for, indeed. I was hoping for the Audouin's in Spain, but missed it, unfortunately.
Here's the next batch - a lot of stilts and a few other juicy bits and pieces.


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and more - how lovely to see curlew sandpipers in breeding plumage.


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What a treat, Audoins are stunning, as are the kneeling stilts, but must say the summer Curlew Sands really blew me away. That last sketch is so right, even the bulky undertail covert's drawn perfectly, what a fieldsketch that is. My hats off once again sir...
What a treat, Audoins are stunning, as are the kneeling stilts, but must say the summer Curlew Sands really blew me away. That last sketch is so right, even the bulky undertail covert's drawn perfectly, what a fieldsketch that is. My hats off once again sir...

Have to agree with just about everything Alan says, esp. regarding the Curlew Sands. It's always nice to be reminded that there are far more possibilities in field sketching/painting than you ever could have thought possible! I've said it before but I'll say it again: when I see something like these I want to drop everything and head out to the field with a big skecthbook and a box of paints. A treat indeed!
An avalanche of Stilty, Curlew Sandy goodness, you should go on holiday more often, it does us all good!

well spotted Arthur - it is indeed my shadow - happily the hat isn't mine, borrowed off a mate before I went as all my hair came off in a self-inflicted hairdressing accident.
been back a week now, absoloutely knackered - holiday was rushing around and then as soon as I got back to France, I had to go and see some white winged black terns, then work, more birding, tidying - eek! How the hell I've found any time to paint I don' t know.

The last one is a painting of the bird singing, then flying off, a very loud Cetti's warbler.


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been back a week now, absoloutely knackered - holiday was rushing around and then as soon as I got back to France, I had to go and see some white winged black terns, then work, more birding, tidying - eek! How the hell I've found any time to paint I don' t know.

The last one is a painting of the bird singing, then flying off, a very loud Cetti's warbler.

Glad you did find the time Nick! The Booted Eagle and gulls is stunning, however, that Short toed Lark is the standout here for be, glorious bit of painting that sir...
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