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Birding in/around Rome (1 Viewer)


Green Birder
Hi folks,

I'm going to be on holiday in Rome the first week of April. Any recommendations for areas I could go to squeeze in a bit of birding? Any guides available out there?

Cheers all!
Maybe check ornitho.it and contact persons.
So I got information about Piombino.

Next interesting place near Rome I know is Laguna Orbitello.
Flamingo, Loon and also waders are there.
Hi there. You could get in touch with these guys http://www.grob.altervista.org/index.php/contatti. Use the email sited under "Per inviare un messaggio".
It's a very active group with great birders and a few professional guides. I am sure they will have good tips on where to go and what to see. Orbetello is actually in Tuscany, an hour and a half drive north of Rome. You can of course manage it in a day if you have a car.
Hi there. You could get in touch with these guys http://www.grob.altervista.org/index.php/contatti. Use the email sited under "Per inviare un messaggio".
It's a very active group with great birders and a few professional guides. I am sure they will have good tips on where to go and what to see. Orbetello is actually in Tuscany, an hour and a half drive north of Rome. You can of course manage it in a day if you have a car.

Cheers mate, will give them a shout!
Hi everybody, I am in Rome for a few days. Unfortunately I only have a couple of hours per day, so can´t get out of the city. Any places within Rome that are recommended?

Thanks in advance!
Hi, I hope it might help if you're still there!

In the Mediterranean specialties, Blue Rock Thrush can be found in the roman forum. I saw one there last year from the via sacra, at about 200 meter from the metro station Colosseo (Colisseum). As I was in transit at the airport I had only about 30 minutes to spend in downtown Roma so no time to visit other places…I suppose that Sardinian Warbler can be found in some of the parks of the city

This report for example might help you :
or other threads on this subject in birdforum

As said above in this thread you can take a look on http://ornitho.it/ to know what has been seen lately in Roma
In case you don’t know how the website work, you need to register, go on the past days sightings and choose RM (province of rome). If You’re interested in a sighting you can zoom on the map and see where it’s been localized.

They are some wetlands worthy to visit at Fiumicino (along the coast next to the airport) that can be reached by public transportation (I hoped to go there but couldn’t find the time…)
http://www.wwf.it/oasi/lazio/vasche_di_maccarese/vasche_di_maccarese__english_version_.cfm but I don’t know how long it takes to get there from Rome.
Hi Maelle,

thank you very much, did see this only today, am already back home. Yes, I do participate on ornitho.

For any future visitors maybe my experiences will be helpful:

I spent some hours at the Borghese park, lots of Italian Sparrows, Hooded Crows, Feral Pigeons, also some Blackcaps, Blackbirds, Serins, Moorhens, Yellow-Legged Gulls, Wagtails, Robins, Great and Blue Tits. Rose-Ringed and Monk Parakeet are also easy to see. Dipped on Sardinian Warbler.

Park Doria Pamphilj and Parco di Caffarella were also recommended to me. Did not manage to get to the second one due to lack of time. Doria was quite nice but I was there in the late afternoon and the place was crawling with people so I did not spend much time.

Vasche di Maccarese (the place linked to by Maelle) is awesome! The homepage in English does not give too much info, and nobody there responded to my mail inquiry. I contacted an ornitho member, and he was incredibly helpful and arranged a visit there for me. The place is not open to the public so you need to make arrangements first! I went there by taxi from the airport (not too far but not easy to find - make sure you have a good map for the taxi driver). Do not know if and how to get there by public transport.

Anyway, saw more than 50 species at Vasche, including stuff like Water Rail, Spotted Crake, Little Crake, Spoonbill, Spotted Redshank, Ruff, Green Sandpiper, Sheldduck and much more! Unfortunately the weather was pretty bad, but the place itself is definitely to be recommended, and a good option for any Rome visitor!
Just back from a 4 day city break in Rome, Not birding as such, but very little to see, Birds of note, Lesser Kestrel in the Roman Forum and a small population of Monk Parakeets in Villa Borghese.
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