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Birding near Koln/ Cologne (1 Viewer)


Well-known member

I'll be visiting some family close to Koln for a week in mid-October. I've been trying to find good spots to visit for wildlife (especially birds) within 2 hours of Koln and looking at this forum, I've found a lot of good information. I hope to visit:
- Eifel National Park
- Wahner Heide

and possibly:
- Bedburg disused sewage ponds (apparently quite good for water birds/ waters)
- Bad Honnef Vineyards (possibly Rock buntings)

As some of the posts were quite aged, I would welcome any new tips for areas to visit or commentary about my existing choices. Species that I can't find in the UK are welcome but as a photographer, good opportunities to see any birds in nature would suffice.

Also, given the size of Eifel National Park, I wondered if anyone could suggest any areas within the park worth prioritising.

Finally, I've heard of an impressive Goshawk population breeding in Koln. If anyone has any suggestions of areas they have been seen, that would be fantastic. Happy to message privately if there is any sensitivity.

Thanks in advance!
Thanks Wildfire. I did spot your thread then lost it again, fantastic sighting. I've set myself up with that site but as I can't contribute to German sightings, I understand that I won't be able to search all records and should be limited to the last couple of weeks. I'll keep an eye on it for Koln though and hopefully some sightings will pop up!
Hi PW23,
as i live in the general area (about 60 km north of cologne)
my suggestions for go to places:
"Bislicher insel"- a sidearm of the lower rhine.
"Bienener Altrhein"-dito
Dingdener Heide"- meadowlands with shallow ponds
and some of the many gravelpits/quarry ponds in the general area of the lower-rhine.
in october the main attraction is the arrival of the numerous arctic geese.
hope that helps a bit for orientation ...
Hi ffatbirder
Thanks for this. Is useful for me as Germany is often one of those places we visit so hopefully next time I will get some birding in.
Hi PW23,
as i live in the general area (about 60 km north of cologne)
my suggestions for go to places:
"Bislicher insel"- a sidearm of the lower rhine.
"Bienener Altrhein"-dito
Dingdener Heide"- meadowlands with shallow ponds
and some of the many gravelpits/quarry ponds in the general area of the lower-rhine.
in october the main attraction is the arrival of the numerous arctic geese.
hope that helps a bit for orientation ...
I’ll add these to my locations to scout as I hadn‘t Heard- of some of these! Thanks 😊
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