Richard Klim
Porter & Aspinall 2010. Helm Field Guides: Birds of the Middle East. 2nd Edition.
Received my copy yesterday. Once again with the publication of a new edition of a book, I've amused myself by generating a synopsis of splits since the previous edition (1996), giving a snapshot of some of the changes in the intervening 14 years. The field guide largely follows the taxonomy of the OSME Region List (ORL):
In the list below, trinomials with square brackets represent splits with "universal agreement", fully adopted by Porter & Aspinall (using binomials); those with curved brackets represent splits where P&A acknowledge that there's still debate over species status. In a handful of cases, splits that were previously fully recognised have backtracked to debatable status in the new edition. Apologies if I've missed any!
Received my copy yesterday. Once again with the publication of a new edition of a book, I've amused myself by generating a synopsis of splits since the previous edition (1996), giving a snapshot of some of the changes in the intervening 14 years. The field guide largely follows the taxonomy of the OSME Region List (ORL):
In the list below, trinomials with square brackets represent splits with "universal agreement", fully adopted by Porter & Aspinall (using binomials); those with curved brackets represent splits where P&A acknowledge that there's still debate over species status. In a handful of cases, splits that were previously fully recognised have backtracked to debatable status in the new edition. Apologies if I've missed any!
- Cygnus (columbianus) bewickii - Bewick's Swan
- Branta [bernicla] bernicla - Dark-bellied Brent Goose
- Anas [crecca] crecca - Eurasian Teal
- Anas [poecilorhyncha] poecilorhyncha - Indian Spot-billed Duck
- Calonectris (diomedea) diomedea - Scopoli's Shearwater
- Calonectris (diomedea) borealis - Cory's Shearwater
- Puffinus [yelkouan] yelkouan - Yelkouan Shearwater
- Puffinus [yelkouan] mauretanicus - Balearic Shearwater
- Puffinus [assimilis] baroli - Macaronesian Shearwater
- Puffinus [lherminieri] bailloni - Tropical Shearwater
- Puffinus [lherminieri] persicus - Persian Shearwater
- Phoenicopterus [ruber] roseus - Greater Flamingo
- Ciconia [ciconia] ciconia - Western White Stork [1]
- Threskiornis [aethiopicus] aethiopicus - African Sacred Ibis
- Bubulcus (ibis) ibis - Western Cattle Egret
- Bubulcus (ibis) coromandus - Eastern Cattle Egret
- Egretta [alba] alba - Western Great Egret
- Milvus ([migrans] migrans) migrans - Black Kite
- Milvus ([migrans] migrans) lineatus - Black-eared Kite
- Milvus [migrans] aegyptius - Yellow-billed Kite
- Circus [aeruginosus] aeruginosus - Western Marsh Harrier
- Buteo [buteo] buteo - Common Buzzard
- Buteo [buteo] socotraensis - Socotra Buzzard
- Aquila (rapax) rapax - Tawny Eagle
- Aquila (rapax) vindhiana - Indian Tawny Eagle
- Falco (peregrinus) peregrinus - Peregrine Falcon
- Falco (peregrinus) pelegrinoides - Barbary Falcon (full split retracted)
- Chlamydotis [undulata] macqueenii - Macqueen's Bustard
- Porphyrio [porphyrio] porphyrio - Purple Swamphen
- Porphyrio [porphyrio] madagascariensis - African Swamphen
- Larus [fuscus] fuscus - Lesser Black-backed Gull
- Larus [fuscus] heuglini - Heuglin's Gull
- Larus [fuscus] barabensis - Steppe Gull
- Larus [cachinnans] cachinnans - Caspian Gull
- Larus [cachinnans] michahellis - Yellow-legged Gull
- Sternula (albifrons) albifrons - Little Tern
- Sternula (albifrons) saundersi - Saunders's Tern (full split retracted)
- Streptopelia (orientalis) meena - Rufous Turtle Dove
- Cuculus [saturatus] optatus - Oriental Cuckoo
- Eudynamys [scolopaceus] scolopaceus - Asian Koel
- Otus ([senegalensis] senegalensis) pamelae - Arabian Scops Owl
- Otus [senegalensis] socotranus - Socotra Scops Owl
- Bubo [bubo] bubo - Eurasian Eagle Owl
- Bubo [bubo] ascalaphus - Pharaoh Eagle Owl
- Bubo (africanus) milesi - Arabian Spotted Eagle Owl
- Athene (noctua) noctua - Little Owl
- Athene (noctua) lilith - Lilith Owl [2]
- Merops [superciliosus] persicus - Blue-cheeked Bee-eater
- Upupa [epops] epops - Eurasian Hoopoe
- The novel split of Western (nominate) from Eastern (asiatica) White Stork is suggested by ORL.
- Athene (noctua) lilith Lilith Owl follows König & Weick 2008, contra Dutch Birding which splits A glaux (including lilith & indigena) as Lilith's Owl (following Wink 2008).
- Hydrobates (pelagicus) melitensis - Mediterranean Storm Petrel
- Egretta (gularis) schistacea - Indian Reef Heron
- Larus michahellis x armenicus - 'Beysehir Gull'
- Athene (noctua) indigena - Byzantine Little Owl