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Brisbane Birding Groups (1 Viewer)


Active member
United States
Greetings, My wife and I will be in Brisbane for two months over the Christmas holidays. Are there any local groups that head out birding? I am relatively new to this hobby. Thanks in advance
See my thread further down this part of the forum. There was at least one Brisbane based guide who posted in there.

Just back from Brisbane myself (similar timeframe too) & can say you will not be disappointed
You could also read the first part of my trip report (link is in my signature) for ideas of where to go and what you might see.

This was mid-late September to the first few days of October. A time when the migrants were returning and many of the residents were well into breeding. In fact the local Ospreys had already fledged, though one of the young still returned to the nest in the hope of a meal delivery LOL.
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