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Budget tripod compatible with Nikon RA II 80A & 20-60x ? (1 Viewer)


New member
United Kingdom
Hi, just starting up with a used scope and trying to find a decent used budget tripod that is compatible with NIKON RA II 80A & 20-60x. Thanks for any advice!
Hi Phoenix, welcome to the forum.
A useful starting point would be to outline a few key considerations - the key ones for tripods are really budget, your height, and what weight you are comfortable carrying - this will help others make suggestions.
I'd recommend getting the best set up you can for your money - it is surprising the difference a solid base can make to the performance of even a budget scope.
I'll assume for a moment that "budget" means under £100 - a bit tricky, but a nice combination which would certainly provide enough support whilst still being decent enough to still be operational if/when you start looking to upgrade your scope would be this Manfrotto 128 fluid head, combined with these Vanguard CF legs.
Others may have better suggestions, but hopefully this helps.
Hi Phoenix, welcome to the forum.
A useful starting point would be to outline a few key considerations - the key ones for tripods are really budget, your height, and what weight you are comfortable carrying - this will help others make suggestions.
I'd recommend getting the best set up you can for your money - it is surprising the difference a solid base can make to the performance of even a budget scope.
I'll assume for a moment that "budget" means under £100 - a bit tricky, but a nice combination which would certainly provide enough support whilst still being decent enough to still be operational if/when you start looking to upgrade your scope would be this Manfrotto 128 fluid head, combined with these Vanguard CF legs.
Others may have better suggestions, but hopefully this helps.
Thanks very much for the links too - have gone ahead with this suggestion.
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