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Charente- France, Recently fledged chiffchaff? 05/06/2023 (1 Viewer)


Connoisseur of WTL
United Kingdom
I posted one photo of this bird on a previous thread, this bird was in the same area as a fledged chiffchaff that was the subject of the another thread.

Is this also a recently fledged chiffchaff?

Any help appreciated.


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its either a 1cy Chiffchaff or a Willow Warbler for me too.

These are very difficult to seperate with confidence, but it might well be a Willow Warbler:

  • bill base is bright orange, better for a WW ???
  • supercilium is really broad, well defined (with a contrasting eye-stripe there) and long behind the eye, better for WW???
  • feet are bright yellow, better for WW???
  • a distinct eye-ring isnt a reliable feature for Chiffchaff in recently fledged birds???
  • is the pp long ??? or short???
Conclusion? Are these real=trustable features? I am not sure, although I looked at many juvenile Chiffchaffs and some WW in recent years now. So I hope for others to comment. Thanks!

Do you have more pictures?
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