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Croatia birding info please (1 Viewer)


Active member
almost 10 years since my last post on Croatia, i'm visiting again quite soon and wondered what is the best access to Crna Mlaka? if this is difficult, are there any similar areas near Zagreb that have better access?

we will also be birding on the coast between Zadar and Sibenik - where are the best birding sites (Vrana? Krka?) and where might we see black headed bunting, rock nuthatch, sombre tit.....?

thanks in advance
There is no reply here, but I want to write something in case anyone is interested.

At this point, access to Crna Mlaka is (next to) impossible. The owner is very dismissive of letting people enter the site, various different reasons. I'm lucky enough to be granted access to the area, but only due to conducting surveys for the Ministry (and that is also a double edged sword). There are other, at this point probably even better fisheries in Croatia that you can go to, probably have a better time birding there too!
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