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Devon wader i.d please 🙏 (1 Viewer)

Thanks Andrew, it just looked different to the other greenshank I was looking at which had lighter green legs
it just looked different to the other greenshank
The bill is distinctly odd for a greenshank: narrow at the base and fine-tipped - as well as straight. Though it seems insufficiently needle-like and delicate for marsh sandpiper, and the bird lacks a decent supercilium.
Looks very much like a Greenshank to me, albeit with an aberrant bill; perhaps damaged in the past? You do see birds now and again with very oddly-shaped bills for various reasons.
The 'dark' legs can be explained by lighting, mud [Greenshanks will happily wade belly-deep, and muddy water can alter apparent leg colour in interesting ways], or even individual variation.
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