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Digiscoping with a BTX (1 Viewer)

Good evening everyone,

I recently purchased the BTX & 95mm objective lens, and following that I got the Phone Skope case for my iPhone 11 with the correct adapter but I have found that the image is way too small when viewed (i.e I have to zoom the phone up to 4.5x to clear most but not all of the vignetting) & the images are awful to say the least.

I used to get much better images with my iPhone 6 & ATS 65 & that was years ago so I was wandering where I could be going wrong!!.

I was curious if anyone else had a similar setup & if they were getting good (decent?) images.

Thank you
Hi! Sorry to hear that digiscoping is not so easy with your scope.

I don't have a BTX, but you might get more replies if you post something in the Swarovski forums on BF. I don't know how many people will see this here.

Good luck!
I have the BTX with a 115 objective using iPhone 14 and the Swarovski VPA adaptor. Some zooming is also required - result from today in poor light


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