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Dodging Diver at Backwater Reservoir (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
United Kingdom
A late start this morning, up at the reservoir by 10 o'clock! Mind you, I did take more time on the icy roads, anyway, halfway up the walk I spotted this bird way over on the opposite side, typically. I grabbed as many shots as I thought might do the trick then ........ walked back down and drove up the other side of the reservoir to get a closer look and where was it? Over the other side :mad: :ROFLMAO: so, apologies for the V ERY cropped shots but I hope they're good enough for an ID? Red Throated?20231205 - Diver at Backwater Reservoir crop.jpg20231205 - Diver at Backwater Reservoir.jpg20231205 - Diver at backwater-2.jpg20231205 - Diver at Backwater.jpg
Many thanks
I'm not sure the photos are good enough to be 100% sure? The dark back, contrasting with paler nape, and a lot of white on the flanks, gives some Black-throated Diver vibes to me, but never easy from less than adequate photos, and may be a Red-throated.
I'm not sure the photos are good enough to be 100% sure? The dark back, contrasting with paler nape, and a lot of white on the flanks, gives some Black-throated Diver vibes to me, but never easy from less than adequate photos, and may be a Red-throated.
(y) Still working through them but, most are terrible
I think the contrast between the nape and back is mainly an effect of the light, which seems to be from the rear of the bird so is bleaching out the nape. The white flanks aren't a problem for Red-throated. I'd expect a Black-throated to show a more isolated white flank patch towards the rear. A Red-throated showing extensive white flanks isn't unusual:
The OP bird also shows the classic RTD uptilted bill profile in the last picture and a rather flat chest.

Better photos might help but I would expect BTD to look bulkier and more clean cut than this bird.
Kind of think that's the point though... hard to confirm either way from the images provided. I wouldn't like to say with any certainty.
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