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Durham Birding (25 Viewers)

Hope some of the other guys got better shots of the Stone Curlew seen opposite Saltholme on the Hargreaves site today - mine has turned out no more than a record shot due to the distance to subject, but it was nice to see a new bird for a change :t:


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Ring ouzels in Bollihope

I went up Bollihope Burn early this afternoon, and was rewarded with very good sightings of two ring ouzels! I may have seen a couple of others (one in flight). This gives me particular joy as I've had four trips previously for them over the past year without success (admittedly, not necessarily in the right place or time). They were about a quarter to half a mile up the Burn, one of them in the small, fenced plantation area.

Other birds included a loud mistle thrush (also in the plantation), plenty of lapwings, curlews and wheatears, red grouse, meadow pipits, a few oystercatchers near the road, pied wagtails, jackdaws, crows, BH gulls and a couple of LBB gulls, also a cuckoo calling in one of the woods near the road.

Loads of rabbits, as always, but a couple of black rabbits near the top of the burn.

A couple of record shots - apologies for the low quality! - of a ring ouzel with the mistle thrush, and a black rabbit.


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Excellent selection at Bishop Middleham today including Barnacle Goose, Ringed Plover, Dunlin, Temminck's Stint, 3 Greenshank, 4 Wood Sandpiper, 2 Common Sandpiper, Blue-headed Wagtail, Yellow Wagtail's, Wheatear & Corn Bunting.

A few bad pics on the blog.
I went up Bollihope Burn early this afternoon, and was rewarded with very good sightings of two ring ouzels! I may have seen a couple of others (one in flight). This gives me particular joy as I've had four trips previously for them over the past year without success (admittedly, not necessarily in the right place or time). They were about a quarter to half a mile up the Burn, one of them in the small, fenced plantation area.

Other birds included a loud mistle thrush (also in the plantation), plenty of lapwings, curlews and wheatears, red grouse, meadow pipits, a few oystercatchers near the road, pied wagtails, jackdaws, crows, BH gulls and a couple of LBB gulls, also a cuckoo calling in one of the woods near the road.

Loads of rabbits, as always, but a couple of black rabbits near the top of the burn.

A couple of record shots - apologies for the low quality! - of a ring ouzel with the mistle thrush, and a black rabbit.

This is on my route into work and is a very reliable place for ring ouzel.The small quarry on the north side of the Middleton to Stanhope road is a good spot, with birds often around here and also just up the burn in the Stanhope direction, on the south side of the road. Glad you caught up with ring ouzel here.
Excellent selection at Bishop Middleham today including Barnacle Goose, Ringed Plover, Dunlin, Temminck's Stint, 3 Greenshank, 4 Wood Sandpiper, 2 Common Sandpiper, Blue-headed Wagtail, Yellow Wagtail's, Wheatear & Corn Bunting.

A few bad pics on the blog.

That's well greedy :)

Passage waders at Hoton today limited to 2Whimbrel, 1Dunlin(RM yeartick) & 5CommSand.
No waders at HoGate, but a Blue Headed Wagtail with 3 Yellows.
:king: That's why I upped sticks and moved 'my' patch to BishMidd :-O
107 species so far this year, can't believe I havn't seen Ruff or Kingfisher yet.

A change is a good as a rest they reckon - will have to have a look down when you get the Stilt Sand.

Kingfishers been pegged back a bit by the winter...Couple of territories vacant, although sev prs still doing well in these dry conditions - clear waters & easy catching.
126 so far on my RM list
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Had excellent views of the Nightingale this morning - after searching for the bird in the bushes I checked out the willow behind them and saw it sat there performing. What a loud song it has!. It was there in open view for 20 to 30 minutes before dropping back down into the bushes - excellent. Moved onto Greatham Creek to see the Avocets- and they were being mobbed by the lapwings - which makes a change, the Avocets normally the aggressor.

See a short vid clip on my blog of the Nightingale singing - pictures just do not do this bird justice



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The Stone Curlew was still around this morning. It was reported as being on Calor Gas Pool but at 7.45 am I relocated it on Hargreaves Quarry. It remained until at least 8.10 am. At some point it moved back onto Calor Gas Pool as it was there around 10.00 am.

RSPB Saltholme - Phil Stead Hide - Little Egret x2, Heron, Common Tern. Three times a Fox walked by on the grassy ridge right in front of the hide.


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The Stone Curlew was still around this morning. It was reported as being on Calor Gas Pool but at 7.45 am I relocated it on Hargreaves Quarry. It remained until at least 8.10 am. At some point it moved back onto Calor Gas Pool as it was there around 10.00 am.

RSPB Saltholme - Phil Stead Hide - Little Egret x2, Heron, Common Tern. Three times a Fox walked by on the grassy ridge right in front of the hide.

I just missed the stone curlew yesterday- (even though me and my family where the last people there apart from staff !) I've never seen one. I hope it stays a while so I can go down and see it soon...
Has anyone been to Drinkfield marsh? it is only small , yes, but it is quite a nice place .
Saw about 4 sedge warblers there a couple of weeks ago, singing their hearts out.
I wish the surrounding area wasn't used as a dumping ground though >:| it must disturb the wildlife.
Only the second site record of Grey Plover at Bishop Middleham this afternoon, also 3 Wood Sand but no sign of yesterday's Temminck's.
Thanks to Joe & John for the heads up :t:


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was expecting a few waders to have been dropped overnight by the downpours...
There is no other way to describe Pool 2 this morning, other than "bleak"
2 Common Sands & a feeding Snipe were all we had
no sin of yesterday evenings Dunlin or Whimbrel...
The walk over produced an impressive 10 singing Garden Warbler in the ChMoor/Joes/RM area.
Gonna try again now....


Neil, MH says Red Kite at Castle Lake area today.
Rainton this evening
2Wood Sands right in front of hide, still feeding 21:30.
Wood Sand pic
that puts this years reserve list up to an impressive 130 species

also Dunlin & 3CommSand, 4Redshank, 4Lrp, 3Oystercatcher.
What a difference to this morning.

3Groppers heard from Freezer, 2Swallows went to roost in the reedbed, lots more Sedge Warblers & Swifts, Lesser Whitethroat singing now 21:30.
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On a short walk along the Tees from Broken Scar this evening we were followed back up river by a goosander with 11 ducklings. Up to four were carried on her back at once and the others raced along entertainingly. Sedge warbler, garden warbler, whitethroat and blackcap also along the banks.
Caught up with the Stone Curlew at Calor Gas Pool at 14h10 today after missing out mid morning (09h00-10h00).


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