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Eagle Optics To Close (1 Viewer)

.I think it is a poor business practice to allow this../QUOTE]

Then I guess LL Bean, Nordstroms, and Amazon are a bunch of fools as well. ;)

You're correct that there are some who will abuse such a practice, but it does serve many consumers well, for reasons that others have already pointed out. Eagle Optics themselves have offered no information to support your speculative analysis of their decision to close up shop.


CameralandNY, Cabelas, and EuroOptic can be added to that list. gunut continues to be out in left field on most topics.
I really dislike hearing about wonderful businesses that reach an end of an era.. and shut down. So sad!!!! Seems like too much of this is happening over the years. Wonder what has changed with the market, industry, business model, ownership over the years to make this happen? Too many online sales outlets and not enough thru the door business for this sort of thing??? Last local optics (telescopes & binoculars) specialty shop around here shut down some time ago... the owner was very elderly... and apparently nobody purchased the business (this usually happens for a reason).

I would bet the closing of EO has everything to do with Vortex building a new facility right there in Wisconsin. EO is going "all in" with the Vortex venture I would guess.
The timing of the closing is interesting. The busiest time of the year should be starting right now for optics. Fall hunting season begins now and the Christmas buying season begins soon. Normally a retailer would wait until January to announce the closing to make some profit during those exceptionally busy months rather than plan to end business on Dec. 31.

At the rate items are going out of stock there will not be much left that is worthwhile for the Christmas season shopping. It looks like they want it ended by the end of the calendar year rather than maximize profits and then go into the next year.

I think your summation of how Vortex is proceeding with business could be spot on.

Credit your frequent posting on the bargains subforum, that Optics Planet often has 10% off.

Think about that for a minute.... :eek!:


Credit your frequent posting on the bargains subforum, that Optics Planet often has 10% off.

Think about that for a minute.... :eek!:


Not sure where you're going with that one, besides jumping in the ethical damnation hot tub with Gunut. ;)

Standard internet business practices that are mentioned (as an intended service, no less) on this forum don't seem to be a reasonable basis for pointing fingers at individuals, to imply that they've played a role in Eagle Optics demise.

Some of the most helpful and positive individuals on this forum have availed themselves of 'bargains, sales, and closeouts' with regard to purchasing binoculars, which they often then make informed and useful comments on after they own them.
Bruce, The fact that they didn't wait until January of 2018 may mean that gearing up for the holidays was never in the business plan. They may have stopped re-stocking months ago, and are just discounting remaining inventory. Closing out the retail side of the business might have been in the works for a long time.
Credit your frequent posting on the bargains subforum, that Optics Planet often has 10% off.

Think about that for a minute.... :eek!:


After thinking about it, I am not completely sure what you are trying to say and I would not want to misunderstand your point. Cryptic comments are easily misunderstood.
Bruce, The fact that they didn't wait until January of 2018 may mean that gearing up for the holidays was never in the business plan. They may have stopped re-stocking months ago, and are just discounting remaining inventory. Closing out the retail side of the business might have been in the works for a long time.

You are probably correct that the decision has been in the works for a long time but it does seem strange that they hung in there to the beginning of the busy period and then decided to quit rather than continue on through the profitable months. That is why I think there are multiple factors behind the decision and it is more than just not making enough money. Slow business at Eagle may or may not be an issue but just pure speculation on my part is that other factors have come into play were the retail operation does not work well with the overall Vortex business plan. Vortex could have made changes to the Eagle business model but they decided to close it instead.

Thanks for the kind comments in the other post acknowledging members of the Forum for making an effort to help fellow members.
Do you happen to know why?

I never dealt with Eagle Optics, since they pointedly stated they didn’t ship abroad. But their website was visible in the binocular world, so I did sometimes see it.

It would be fascinating to know the product return rate for high-end binoculars bought from shops like this in America. I bet it’s gobsmackingly high. I have seen many American customers return things just because they change their mind about what they want. A small minority even use shops for free rental of new gear. There are outsized costs to this kind of thing.

Nothing specific was mentioned that I recall. Nikon may not have liked having it's bins sold by a company that was in the
business of making it's own brand of bins. The retail store was probably not performing to the owners expectations so they may have decided to focus all their efforts on the house brand optics.
I don't know if there is any group outside of Eagle Optics to blame really. Eagle Optics were dropped by Nikon and that may have been enough to tip sales in the wrong direction. That removed a widely known brand and left a hole that may have been difficult to fill. And what I recall as an excellent return policy may have been abused by some. It may have been a long slow slide. Yes, I remember their excellent patient customer service.

Over the years I purchased a number of high end Nikon binoculars from Eagle Optics: 3 HG Ls, an SE, an EDG first version and a few inexpensive ones like Travelites and Trailblazers which I used for gifts.

My recollection from the numbers of reviews that Eagle Optics had on some of the earlier Nikon Monarchs is that they must have sold a ton of them! I remember that the Monarch 8x36 version alone had almost 50 5 star reviews.

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Eagle Optics were dropped by Nikon ...

Do you happen to know why?

Here is a post from Ben L. Eagle Optics Sales Mgr at the time, commenting on the change ......


My speculation is that Nikon viewed Eagle/Vortex as a competitor and Nikon may have been uncomfortable about providing advance sales information plus other dealer only details to them. It looked like Eagle was a big seller of Nikon binoculars at the time, especially the higher end stuff, so that my have been a bad deal for both companies.
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Not sure what the real reason is that EO closed but Vortex is junk. Each of the 4 binos in the Viper line I bought had out of focus, blackout, cannot move the focuser, glare, etc. Customer service just horrible, they don't know what products they are making, they had no knowledge about it when I had questions, emails never get a reply. I have retuned all of them (did not buy from EO) don't like Vortex at all.
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Not sure what the real reason is that EO closed but Vortex is junk. Each of the 4 binos in the Viper line I bought had out of focus, blackout, cannot move the focuser, glare, etc. Customer service just horrible, they don't know what products they are making, they had no knowledge about it when I had questions, emails never get a reply. I have retuned all of them (did not buy from EO) don't like Vortex at all.

That's too bad. The Vortex brand (particularly the higher end line) has a generally good "bang for the buck" reputation around here. My Viper HD 10x42 was a solid binocular that served me very many years with excellent views.
After thinking about it, I am not completely sure what you are trying to say and I would not want to misunderstand your point. Cryptic comments are easily misunderstood.

Bruce: I was not picking on you, just pointing out that in today's world of search and click, internet shopping is little more than buying an
item at the lowest price.

For example the large NY seller mentioned is no longer a dealer for
Swarovski. Swarovski authorized dealers must maintain a retail location, and also abide to rules about discounting.

I hope this clears things up a bit. Many sellers offer sales on holidays
to drive some interest and sales. So pointing out a 10% offer now and
then is common practice.

In otherwords, you are saying it is a competitive world out there.

If the "large NY seller" you mentioned is Optics Planet, they are actually located in Northbrook Illinois, just northwest of Chicago. They may have additional distribution operations in the general area based on the tracking info on some orders.
Its not just the closure of EO is it? Vortex has shifted production to China as well.

Seems likely they either need bigger returns from each sale, or they want to be able to offer lower prices for a bigger market share. And according to reports on Bird Forum it sounds like their customer service has slipped in recent months. Lets hope this is just a symptom of the changes taking place and not a result of decisions to reduce costs by reducing service levels permanently.

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