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Earlswood Lakes & Surrounding Area (2 Viewers)


Active member
Hi All,

I could not find an appropriate place to post recent sittings so thought I would start a new thread that could be used for this and to publicise some of the work done and events by the active members of Warwickshire Wildlife.

Perhaps some of the the Upton warren regulars who live locally will contribute to make it an interesting interactive area.

Regards to all and Happy New Year.

Had a quick walk through cloves wood mid afternoon and over railway bridge to cross railway at pedestrian crossing point and down to Terrys Pool.

Highlight of walk was a large number of Goosander 8 males and 2 females on lake not seen that many before.


Another quick walk around Earlswood yesterday afternoon this time the sailing pool and not a lot to see but the lonely male Goosander and some grebe in their winter plumage.

Walking back around Terrys Pool a male and female Goosander where present.
Walked round the lakes and woods this morning:

12 Goosander
Coal Tit
LT Tit
GC Grebe
Water Rail
Grey Wagtail
The horse paddocks at the southern end of Windmill Lake are always worth checking. They were full of thrushes today. I picked up Redwing, Fieldfare, Mistle Thrush and Song Thrush within a few seconds. Also a fairly mobile flock of around 30 Linnet.
Had a quick walk around Earlswood lakes on Saturday morning and saw a couple of pairs of Grebes starting their courtship display.

Must be the mild weather.
There must have been thirty Great Crested Grebe split across the three lakes this morning.

Very little else of note, not surprising given the level of disturbance. Along with the usual dog walkers and fishermen, a large group of Canal & River Trust volunteers were doing a litter pick (thank you folks, if any of you is reading this). Less welcome was the sustained gunfire from fields to the south of the lakes. Too far away to actually see what was happening, but the fields around that end of the lakes were noticeably empty.

I am new to birding, although I have been interested in wildlife all my life. My interest in birds was rekindled when we bought cycles and started to ride the route between Sarehole Mill and Trittiford Pool to Shirley. I have bought a note book and some binoculars and spent an excellent day at Sandwell Valley yesterday. So on day 2 of my holiday I am going to try Earlswood Lakes :)

I am new to birding, although I have been interested in wildlife all my life. My interest in birds was rekindled when we bought cycles and started to ride the route between Sarehole Mill and Trittiford Pool to Shirley. I have bought a note book and some binoculars and spent an excellent day at Sandwell Valley yesterday. So on day 2 of my holiday I am going to try Earlswood Lakes :)

Make sure you do Clowes Wood too. And next you can try Middleton Lakes.


So on day 2 of my holiday I am going to try Earlswood Lakes :)

At the southern end of Windmill Lake (the eastern lake, with the sailing club), there's a lane leading up into the village through some horse paddocks. I often find this area is very well populated with birds.

The lane can be seen leading away from the bottom left corner of the lake on this pdf:

Hope you have a good day.
Thanks both. I have had a look on my map. It is a great map by the way. Birmingham Greenways, by Heron Maps. I bought is as it has all the cycle paths in the area, but it goes from Earlswood at the bottom right up to Sutton Park. I thought I might park at Clowes Wood/New Fallings Coppice and walk from there.
Hi all

Great day out at the lakes. I also saw many grebes, along with 3 cormorants and a great close encounter with a wren when I stopped for my sandwiches. Thanks for the advice of the lane and the woods saw lots of flocks of mixed tits, including long tailed and a great view of a Great Spotted Wookpecker.
A couple of hours around the Lakes and Clowes Wood this morning.

At least four Marsh Tits moving through the woods. These are apparently the first successful breeders in the area for some years.

A family of Great Spotted Woodpeckers noisily pecking away at a dead tree and calling to each other.

Cuckoo heading NW over Malt House Lane in the direction of Clowes Wood.

Several Great Crested Grebe families with young.

Approx 10 Common Terns around the lakes, mostly on Windmill.

Good to see a Grey Heron and a Cormorant on Terry's, although numbers of both species markedly down compared to even a year ago due to the Canal and Rover Trust bird-scaring.
Lots of anglers around but also Common Terns.....


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Quick walk through Clowes wood yesterday evening and around Terry's Pool.

Pair of Great crested grebes with humbug chicks riding on their backs nice to see.

Large group about 14 Grey Lag geese in middle of Engine pool, that is very low at present seems to indicate the lack of rain and amount of water used to top up the canals.

A few wrens flitting around the pathway and a pair of tufted ducks.

Sorry to report a dead grebe visible from the metal causeway that appears to have become trapped in some fishing line.

Does anyone know if the swans had a brood this year ?

Just a quick reminder for all Earlswood birders that the West Midlands Autumn All-Day Birdwatch is taking place on SATURDAY 2ND SEPTEMBER. With a host of sites across the region taking part - includes Belvide, Sandwell Valley, Upton Warren, Middleton Lakes, Grimley, Marsh Lane, Ladywalk, Salford Priors, Venus Pool etc - it promises to be another good day.
Not particularly pleasant around the Lakes this morning, steady drizzle, but the first time I've had chance to get out and do some birding (beyond my regular Sat am Lifford walk) for over a month.

Water levels on both Engine and Windmill lakes were noticeably low. Terrys seemed pretty full though.

Good to see so many Goldcrests around, they've obviously had a very successful breeding season.
I was surprised to see so many obviously juvenile Great Crested Grebes around. They must be second broods?
Significantly more Cormorants around than earlier in the year - there were 8 in the trees on Terry's this morning, and a group of 6 landed on Windmill.

There were a few early fishermen as I arrived around 7am, but they didn't seem to have succeeded in dispersing what I presume was a roosting group of Pied Wagtails on the islands near the causeway on Engine. Very mobile, but conservatively 50+ birds. Approx 6 Grey Wagtails in with them.
By the time I walked past on my way back to the car (around 9am), all of the wagtails had dispersed.
Attached are the collated results from the 17 sites that participated in the West Mids Spring All-Day Birdwatch on Saturday 5th May, including Earlswood Lakes. A total of 130 species were recorded across the locations, compared to 138 last year when fewer sites took part. Passage was slow / non-existence across the region, probably best demonstrated by no records of Dunlin.


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Common Scoter still on Engine Pool today....diving about 30 yds of peg 73...

Terrible light/weather and cold....sorry for awful shot.....have to try again if the elusive sun shows up.


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Male Common Scoter still present today but was asleep for all of the time we were there.

31 species overall, with male Goosander, a pair of Wigeon, Shoveler, Tufted Duck, female Goldeneye, Grey Heron, Cormorant, Lapwing, Jay, Redwing, Coal Tit and Long-Tailed Tit.

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