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Eastern France August (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
We’re hoping to spend sometime with friends in the Côte d’Or department of eastern France next summer. They both work in Switzerland but have a house there so presumably it’s doable to reach Switzerland or the French alps in a few hours drive so I fancy doing one day where I set off early and do a full days birding

Does anyone have any idea of how far from there I’d have to travel for any alpine species. (I need lammergeir, alpine accentor, Alpine chough, snowfinch, rock partridge and citril finch although I know they aren’t all available in France)

Chamois ibex and marmot too.

Im sure there would be other good birding opportunities around too just wondered if any of the ticks were feasible in 2-3 hours drive
Whereabouts in Switzerland is the house Owene? If they’re in the Geneva area the Col de la Colombiere in nearby France is about 90 minutes away, all your six bird and two mammal species are possible around there though Rock Partridge is of course the tricky one. Earlier this year I recommended the place to some German birders and they saw three R P on their visit ( I have still only heard them despite c40 visits myself in the past 17 years!).
The house is by Dijon but they live and work in Switzerland in the week. I’m happy to do a few hours drive though
CdC is definitely within range. Thank you. I know rock partridge is the hard one but I’d be happy with just a good days birding and maybe one of the others
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