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Feeder stand warning (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Good morning
Unfortunately I had a distraught phone call from my mother last night telling me she had to extract a Great spotted woodpecker from her bird feeder stand which is one of those ornate steel stands with curled ends, the woodpecker had somehow got its leg caught, after untangling it apparently the bird flew off and is returning to feed and drink although with a clearly damaged leg, much to her dismay, she has now taped up the curled ends of the stand.
Something like this :https://www.google.co.uk/imgres?img...bbAhXkK8AKHXjlAgUQMwj5AigIMAg&iact=mrc&uact=8
Good morning
Unfortunately I had a distraught phone call from my mother last night telling me she had to extract a Great spotted woodpecker from her bird feeder stand which is one of those ornate steel stands with curled ends, the woodpecker had somehow got its leg caught, after untangling it apparently the bird flew off and is returning to feed and drink although with a clearly damaged leg, much to her dismay, she has now taped up the curled ends of the stand.

There were other postings about this problem on the Forum some time ago (3 years?) . I think the manufacturer ought to be told about this design fault. Or maybe they have been told and this particular feeder has been in use for a while. At the time we checked our son's standing feeder and he taped that up. At least your mother will have peace of mind that it won't happen again. Our birds have enough to contend with these days without a feeder than can damage them, haven't they?

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