This morning I saw a singing Fieldfare perched in a tree that had indistinct and limited spotting on the sides of its belly and only a small area of yellowish orange suffusion at the upper breast, under the chin (= 2cy spring as per Blasco Zumeta's pictures?). Its song reminded me of Eurasian Jay's subsong (BTW, jays don't have a plastic song, do they?); do you think this is a subsong or maybe even a plastic song and how do you know (perhaps the division is somehow relative/hard to quantify)? In Warsaw Fieldfares are present year round.
Note: I think it would be easier for you to download a given file in a .wav processing app (like Merlin) and then be able to navigate the recording (to avoid crow, gull and tit calls and occassional cars or talking) and see the sonogram as well. I recorded ample material, but feel free to cherry-pick only some parts of it.
is all BotW has to say (as per a Google search, no information about the plastic song, though I have no access to the full article). XenoCanto only has recordings of subsongs (mine is probably also it): Fieldfare (Turdus pilaris) :: xeno-canto. The introduction to this (Plastic songs) post also sways me in that direction (EDIT: except for the given timeframe).Subsong fainter, more guttural and warbling.
Note: I think it would be easier for you to download a given file in a .wav processing app (like Merlin) and then be able to navigate the recording (to avoid crow, gull and tit calls and occassional cars or talking) and see the sonogram as well. I recorded ample material, but feel free to cherry-pick only some parts of it.
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