I'll go through the areas I visited, with a few notes on birds and access.
I just birded the first day around Cayenne. I visited
Sentier Vidal, which is quite a nice forest trail. It was pretty quiet when I was there though. Later, I went to
Sentier des Salines, where there is a boardwalk through coastal scrub, mangroves and some lagoons. It's quite varied and there were some nice birds in the heat, including Rufous Crab Hawk, Bicoloured Conebill and Pied Water Tyrant. I spent an hour or two in the afternoon at
Vieux Port de Cayenne, birding from the pier that goes out through the mangroves (and which you can drive along and park at). The tides weren't really favourable, but there was a nice selection of waders. There's obviously quite a bit of potential for birding around Cayenne, particularly for shorebirds and some coastal forest birds.
Kaw Road/ Tresor
As mentioned, I stayed at Malou et Son Vergers. It's a nice place, although cooking facilities are a bit basic (just a microwave). A nice feature is the garden and the view from the balcony. Like Josh, I saw female Tufted Coquette here. Males are less frequent, apparently. Other good birds from the garden included Spangled Cotinga, Red-and-green Macaw, Guianan Toucanet, Black-necked Aracari, Golden-headed Manakin, and Green-tailed Jacamar. I birded a few places along Kaw Road. I visited Cock-of-the-Rock trail. Although it's not the time of year for them displaying (think that's November to April, according to the signs) I had very nice views of a male after a bit of waiting at the blind. They're quite a bird. I didn't see too much else in this area though. I birded the RNR Tresor trails a couple of times. On the first occasion, the visit was shortened by a prolonged, torrential downpour. Before that happened, I had fantastic views of a pair of Wing-barred Antbirds near the start of the short loop. I was quite amazed at how easy these were. On my way back to Malou, with the rain pouring down, I saw a group of 11 Grey-winged Trumpeters crossing the road. On my second visit to RNR Tresor, I had good views of a few White-throated Manakins. I didn't find White-fronted Manakin here or anywhere else, despite trying for them.
St Georges
I spent a couple of nights in the St Georges area, which was not visited by Josh. I think if I was planning the trip again, I would spend at least one more night here. I stayed at a pleasant AirB&B called 'Lilicam', which was very comfortable. I tried birding around the town itself (which is quite a small rustic place with a strong Brazilian influence) but it wasn't too productive. The key birding area is
Piste Armontabo, which is a good unsurfaced track that goes from near the petrol station at the entrance to St Georges to an area along the river called Maripa. Near Maripa, there is a trail system. I explored the first part of this but it goes much further (though there were a few signs warning that the infrastructure - I guess bridges - weren't in a good state). This road was, by some distance, the best 'forest track' area I visited. Almost everywhere I stopped, there were good bird flocks and there were a few good fruiting trees, attended by species such as Pompadour Cotinga, Green Aracari and Black-spotted Barbet. Other nice birds along the road included Golden-collared Woodpecker, Painted Parakeets, Yellow-throated Flycatcher, Golden-sided Euphonia, and Black-faced Dacnis. Along the trail system, I had good views of a pair of Collared Gnatwrens. Nothing really rare, but a lot of nice birds and it was generally very busy and interesting through the day. I assumed this was what all the forest roads would be like, but the contrast was quite stark.