With 33 wader species on the Garden List Pete is only, err, let me calculate......
33 ahead of me
Still, here in the landlocked N Alps I had a great day's Garden birding yesterday. After a tiring garden maintenance session at Mum in Law's the previous day I was advised by SWMBO to do no physical work at all and with a dawn to dusk blue sky forecast this suited me just fine! Early on in the recently mown field there was a Roe Deer and a Fox keeping a respectable distance from each other, the latter catching a vole/mouse for its breakfast. A group of Mistle Thrush had a juvenile Fieldfare tagging along and the first post breeding flock of Chaffinch were feeding on the grass seeds. Other recently fledged birds seen during the day were the first local Buzzard, Black and Red Kite being shown the ropes by the adults and passerine-wise I saw my first juv Chiffchaff and Spotted Flycatcher. as it got hotter the first Griffon Vultures appeared and an adult Lammergeier was following them around, at least 50 Common Swift were feeding over the forest with three of their Alpine cousins most of the morning and a few juvenile Barn Swallow and House Martin were out and about. Still no Hobby though.... By 17h I'd got up to 39 species for the day, then number 40 hove into view, circling with the Griffons before landing next to one on the Aiguille (the Needle). A Garden Year tick to boot!
85 Cinerous (Black) Vulture
I feel quite an affinity for the species as I share it's mostly bald head with a whiteish 'crown'
! At c5kms distance the camera doesn't do it justice but I attach the 'record shot'.
Plus a Honey Buzzard from the other day