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Griswold’s Vacations 2024 (1 Viewer)


Carpe Carpum
Managed to convince my youngest to come down to the levels for a night with me.

Staying at a place called the Conkers in Meare. Great little place. Very comfortable and about £90 for the night.

Left Neath at about 12:30 and headed to Ham Wall via Chew Valley Lake. Nice views of a couple of Red Kite on the way. At Chew were good numbers of Great Crested Grebes, Goldeneye, Pochard, Tufties and, after a bit of searching, the fairly long staying Lesser Scaup.

Next it was off to Ham Wall. Really surprised to see how busy it was. Has the murmuration been on Winterwatch? Would have spent some time at the Avalon Hide if the wasn’t closed due to flooding. As it was we had a short walk and promptly left. Car park at Shapwick was full as well.

At the cabin we wandered down to the river at the end of the property and saw 2 Great White Egrets, and I’m pretty certain, 6 distant Cattle Egrets. Have just had a decent Chinese from Wings Chinese Kitchen in Street and have settled down to watch Thor Ragnorok. The photos below are of the cabin and area around it.

Tomorrow we’re looking to head to Westhay first thing before heading up to Slimbridge. Hopefully some easy year ticks around.


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Westhay turned out to be a good choice. Heaps of Fieldfares and Redwings in the field.

At Westhay we had a great view of a Cettis Warbler and Water Rails were squealing away. The place looked stunning with ice everywhere. We managed to see two of the Rails and an and a short stay in the hide gave great views of a hunting male Marsh Harrier. We were also treated to a brilliant view of a male and female Bearded Tit. The youngest was chuffed to get a couple of photos. It was then off to Slimbridge. Year ticked a Peregrine on the way and there was the odd Cattle Egret in the fields.


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Slimbridge was… well Slimbridge. Good numbers of Bewicks Swans, Pintail and Tufties. 5 Cranes from the top of the Estuary hide along with the Barnacle Geese.

From the Kingfisher hide I year ticked Golden Plover.

On leaving I got to the canal before deciding to double back to check the geese in the fields leaving Slimbridge. Got very lucky and there were a few White-fronted Geese there and also year ticked Black Tailed Godwit. The Snow Goose remains there but not for my list. Each to their own though. Then weirdly a birder stopped opposite. I began saying what I was looking at before I realised it was Russy. I was brought up 4 doors away from Leighton and haven’t seen him for a number of years. He mentioned a year tick had turned up 15 minutes away. I spent half an hour with him watching a Black Redstart at Sharpness. Absolutely brilliant to catch up with him.

Back home now and great to see the dog again. Next trip is Norfolk, but I may try and talk Max into a night away over half term.

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