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Hello from Newport, South Wales (1 Viewer)


New member
Hi from Newport, South Wales.

I regard myself as an amateur, fine-weather bird watcher!
I am a mum of 7 children and several whippets so my birdwatching time is often on the riverside walk to the school and back and when walking the dogs. I am also a keen birdspotter along the verges of motorways as I drive along! My mistake is never having a pair of binoculars on me when I need them so I must try to get a bigger handbag to fit some in! lol.

What brought me to this forum wass seeing my first reed bunting this morning. I have often heard them along the river but they are always hidden. Today one was on full view so I stood behind some tall plants to watch for a couple of minutes. I didn't recognise it so I observed as many details about the bird as I could and then rifled through the books when I got home. Again, I had no binoculars on me! There are so many birds along the school run walk that I am going to remember to take them tomorrow and USE them.
Hi Taffy and a warm welcome to you on behalf of the Staff and Moderators.

A lovly part of the world you're in - I'll be down that way in a couple of weeks (Abergavenny) to visit my brother.

Hello, just wanted to add another welcome to the forum.
Welcome to the Forum.
I'm just up the road in Pontypool. Have you been out to Newport Wetlands yet? Best place in South Wales.
Welcome to the Forum.
I'm just up the road in Pontypool. Have you been out to Newport Wetlands yet? Best place in South Wales.
Yes I've been to the Wetlands a couple of times. Could spend all day there if I didn't always have the kids with me! It's a lovely peaceful place.
Welcome to BirdForum! I am sure you will find lots to interest you here, and I hope that you enjoy your visits.
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