Everyone knows the high-quality, very interesting and highly detailed accounts of Bird Families by Helm in the Helm Identification Guide Series. Very impressive examples include, Sylvia Warblers, Cotingas and Manakins, Antpittas and Gnateaters among others. Most of the books are winners of the Best Bird Book of the Year. Forthcoming titles are Larks of the World and Sunbirds A Guide to the Sunbirds, Flowerpeckers, Spiderhunters and Sugarbirds of the World 2nd Edition.
Currently a 3 to 4 volume book work on Parrots (2nd largest bird family) of the World is under making by a renowned German publisher, which will for the first time in history will cover and illustrate not only species, but all the subspecies, forms, races, types etc of all the parrots found in the world.
That being said, here are few suggestions for Bloomsbury Publishing Plc (Helm) / @Jim Martin
1. Hummingbirds of the World
Hummingbirds is the third largest bird family (with over 350 species !) found in the world and yet there is not a single comprehensive monograph of this family. The only detailed work available is by Lynx Edicions published in 1999. How about making a highly-detailed monograph on "Hummingbirds of the World" ?
It will cover, for the first time in history, not only all the species of hummingbirds but also every single subspecies (over 600 !!! ?) (including both sexes), forms, races, types, hybrids and so on. Because Hummingbirds are very small with large species also small in size, this monograph can illustrate all the birds in their true "Life-Size". That will be so wonderful.
Because colors of hummingbirds looks alot different when viewing from various directions depending on the sunlight, Helm could consider some unique and very interesting method (developed by Rolf Grantsau) of illustrating hummingbirds to show their "true colors" in exact "Life Size".
His method is described here (Right-click and open the link in new Window then expand the first post) :
Some samples of Hummingbirds Plates here :
Novo livro sobre aves do Brasil
Google Image
Issuu reader embeds (see page 14-15)
As these are all sitting illustrations and hummingbirds are quite flying jems with more time in air, so Helm can think outside the box can also show them in various illustrations showing their unique behaviors, for example mating/displaying etc in "Life-Size" incluing high-quality photographs in "Life Size".
Also read review of Rolf Grantsau"s little known book here (although in this old book, it seems that the method mentioned above was not used and he developed this method later) :
Os Beija-flores do Brasil
2. Tyrant Flycatchers of the World
With 425 species and being the largest family of birds on the planet, who doesnt want this monograph ! ?
3. Old World Flycatchers of the World
With impressive 327 species, a monograph on this family will be a great one.
Please share what else families of birds you would like from Helm in their Helm Identification Guide Series...
Currently a 3 to 4 volume book work on Parrots (2nd largest bird family) of the World is under making by a renowned German publisher, which will for the first time in history will cover and illustrate not only species, but all the subspecies, forms, races, types etc of all the parrots found in the world.
That being said, here are few suggestions for Bloomsbury Publishing Plc (Helm) / @Jim Martin
1. Hummingbirds of the World
Hummingbirds is the third largest bird family (with over 350 species !) found in the world and yet there is not a single comprehensive monograph of this family. The only detailed work available is by Lynx Edicions published in 1999. How about making a highly-detailed monograph on "Hummingbirds of the World" ?
It will cover, for the first time in history, not only all the species of hummingbirds but also every single subspecies (over 600 !!! ?) (including both sexes), forms, races, types, hybrids and so on. Because Hummingbirds are very small with large species also small in size, this monograph can illustrate all the birds in their true "Life-Size". That will be so wonderful.
Because colors of hummingbirds looks alot different when viewing from various directions depending on the sunlight, Helm could consider some unique and very interesting method (developed by Rolf Grantsau) of illustrating hummingbirds to show their "true colors" in exact "Life Size".
His method is described here (Right-click and open the link in new Window then expand the first post) :

Grantsau 2010
Vítor de Q. Piacentini on NEOORN today (includes new taxa): New book - Brazil Dear all, Just to let you know of a recent publication (Dec. 2010): Grantsau, Rolf (2010) Guia completo para identificação das aves do Brasil. 2 vol. Ed. Vento Verde, São Carlos, 1249p. Grantsau, to complete 83...

Some samples of Hummingbirds Plates here :
Novo livro sobre aves do Brasil
Google Image
Issuu reader embeds (see page 14-15)
As these are all sitting illustrations and hummingbirds are quite flying jems with more time in air, so Helm can think outside the box can also show them in various illustrations showing their unique behaviors, for example mating/displaying etc in "Life-Size" incluing high-quality photographs in "Life Size".
Also read review of Rolf Grantsau"s little known book here (although in this old book, it seems that the method mentioned above was not used and he developed this method later) :
Os Beija-flores do Brasil
2. Tyrant Flycatchers of the World
With 425 species and being the largest family of birds on the planet, who doesnt want this monograph ! ?
3. Old World Flycatchers of the World
With impressive 327 species, a monograph on this family will be a great one.
Please share what else families of birds you would like from Helm in their Helm Identification Guide Series...
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