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Help with interpreting Opticron tech data, please? (2 Viewers)


Well-known member
United States
On the Opticron page and Technical section for the Traveller and Verano binoculars, they specify "Prism coating" is "Oasis;" they further state that "PC coating" is "Yes." Of those four terms I believe I understand "Yes," but the other three are not clear to me. (I might have suspected that "PC" meant "phase coating," except then "PC coating" would be redundant.) Does then "Lens Coating" as "Fully multi-coated" explain how the terms I mentioned above are applied or is it separate from those terms?

I understand that ED coating comes in various grades, so simply stating that they use ED glass isn't a complete answer, but at least the Traveller has "ED" in its name - "Traveller BGA ED 8x32" - while the Verano does not.

I ordered a Traveller bin two weeks ago and it didn't feel right to me - perhaps the collimation was off - and I exchanged it for another Traveller which is due to arrive today. It's possible the new one will be satisfactory, but it's also possible that the model just won't work for me. In that case, the Verano might be a good replacement, but I don't understand what Opticron is trying to tell me.

Instead of trying to go through this .... This site gives lots of good descriptions and diagrams for various different bins....here are Travellers :

Oasis are Opticrons name for coatings.
Thanks - that does help. I hadn't seen it previously. Also, it cleared up my "PC Coating" question - it's "Phase Correction coating - yes."

Is "Oasis" their proprietary dielectric coating?
Edit: found it. Oasis is their dielectric coating. Why must marketing obfuscate important details?

A further search of BBR indicates that the Verano does not use ED glass.
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Thanks - that does help. I hadn't seen it previously. Also, it cleared up my "PC Coating" question - it's "Phase Correction coating - yes."

Is "Oasis" their proprietary dielectric coating?
Edit: found it. Oasis is their dielectric coating. Why must marketing obfuscate important details?

A further search of BBR indicates that the Verano does not use ED glass.
Oasis is a name they use for anti- reflective glass coatings. I do not believe they are dielectric coatings, needed for reflections in SP prisms ( not like porro or AK with total internal reflection).

I have the Verano....it is the next level above the Traveller, so I would expect it to have an ED element ( but haven't investigated).

The Traveller is smaller and has a wider FoV, but the optics are better in the Verano. This is the summary I concluded from the reports I read ( I can't comment personally on the Traveller ).

Edit..... The Verano on BBR is the old version, not the current one.
Many companies reuse the same name and then the versions can get confused!
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Can't vouch for the accuracy of this, but the Opticron naming might be decodable after all!

I just spoke to someone at Opticron wrt the Verano. (Cell phone was breaking up so I didn't get complete specifics, including his name.) He said the current Verano 8x32 BGA VHD (my question, assume the other sizes also) does have ED, does use dielectric coatings in the Oasis, and is made in Japan.
That would have been my colleague Chip Clouse - he's our US sales rep and customer service agent. He's also a phenomenal birder and really knows his stuff on optics.

The Verano BGA VHD is the only one of our ED binoculars that doesn't have that feature mentioned on the website! Probably time for a quick edit :)

Cheers, Pete
That would have been my colleague Chip Clouse - he's our US sales rep and customer service agent. He's also a phenomenal birder and really knows his stuff on optics.

The Verano BGA VHD is the only one of our ED binoculars that doesn't have that feature mentioned on the website! Probably time for a quick edit :)

Cheers, Pete
Thanks, Pete. Possibly add "dielectric" as a part of "Oasis" on the product page, also? I know it's there on your site because I eventually found it, but if it's there on the product page I missed it. Maybe link "Oasis" to an explanation to avoid clutter and repetition?
That would have been my colleague Chip Clouse - he's our US sales rep and customer service agent. He's also a phenomenal birder and really knows his stuff on optics.

The Verano BGA VHD is the only one of our ED binoculars that doesn't have that feature mentioned on the website! Probably time for a quick edit :)

Cheers, Pete
I’ve spoken to Chip several times, and he’s a wealth of knowledge regarding optics and birding. It’s too bad you don’t send him to birding events in the desert southwest because I’d sure like to try out your binoculars. Unfortunately, the local birding society and shops don’t carry Opticron, and the only place to buy them is online. Opticron may be a household name in the UK when it comes to binoculars but doesn’t seem to get the attention it deserves here in the states. Cheers!
Unfortunately we have tried to persuade Tucson Audubon to allow us to join their festival but they've decided to stick with the brands they have. We used to sell to them but for reasons unknown (to me at least) they dropped us from their catalogue.

There's an event in Sierra Vista in May but that coincides with the Biggest Week event in Ohio and whilst he knows his birds and his optics we can't have Chip in two places at once! Also the local retailer that attends is a big Vortex fan and didn't see how Opticron added anything to what he already has.

Can't win everyone over I guess! But you're right it would be good to be able to show and tell to customers in that part of the US.
Unfortunately we have tried to persuade Tucson Audubon to allow us to join their festival but they've decided to stick with the brands they have. We used to sell to them but for reasons unknown (to me at least) they dropped us from their catalogue.

There's an event in Sierra Vista in May but that coincides with the Biggest Week event in Ohio and whilst he knows his birds and his optics we can't have Chip in two places at once! Also the local retailer that attends is a big Vortex fan and didn't see how Opticron added anything to what he already has.

Can't win everyone over I guess! But you're right it would be good to be able to show and tell to customers in that part of the US.
That’s too bad they don’t give Opticron a fair shake and give customers in this part of the US more options. Hopefully, the positive comments and reviews here on BF will generate more interest in your optics. Cheers!
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