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Hen Harriers (1 Viewer)

at this time of year they can turn up at all sorts of wetland and coastal sites. I think there's been some sightings of hen harrier at Ham Wall RSPB recently - maybe a local can confirm though. I'd have thought the WWT reserve at Steart Marshes is a likely spot too in winter.
In the breeding season you'll have to travel a fair way from Somerset, to upland moors in the north or Scotland. Langholm moor in SW Scotland is a good place for them.
I last saw one over Oare Marshes (Kent) about three weeks back. There's a very good chance of seeing one there, with Elmley across the Swale arguably better still.
at this time of year they can turn up at all sorts of wetland and coastal sites. I think there's been some sightings of hen harrier at Ham Wall RSPB recently - maybe a local can confirm though. I'd have thought the WWT reserve at Steart Marshes is a likely spot too in winter.
In the breeding season you'll have to travel a fair way from Somerset, to upland moors in the north or Scotland. Langholm moor in SW Scotland is a good place for them.
thank you
I think they are more or less guaranteed at roost at places like Wicken Fen in Cambridgshire, and at Parkgate, Dee Estuary, Cheshire at this time of year. Steart Marshes seems to hold a bird most days in winter.
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I last saw one over Oare Marshes (Kent) about three weeks back. There's a very good chance of seeing one there, with Elmley across the Swale arguably better still.
Rather than pay for Elmley you might try Capel Fleet, any raptor using Elmley will likely pass through Capel Fleet at some point.

Rather than pay for Elmley you might try Capel Fleet, any raptor using Elmley will likely pass through Capel Fleet at some point.

Good point, although with Oare only 45 mins walk away I take my chances there. I think the walk from Swale station to Elmley is about that long!

I won't say that the owners of Elmley are doing a bad job - habitat seems fairly well maintained, but it's not as good as it was in it's RSPB days.
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