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Hi from the PNW (1 Viewer)


New member
United States
I started feeding birds about a year ago (along with a few other critters). I've been gifted some bird books and so far my birds consist of American goldfinches (6 of them today!), juncos, towhees, doves, a family of mountain quail, a family of black capped grosbeaks, and a few chickadees. Plus the flying pigs (bar tailed pigeons) that have now migrated back to California - thank God! They were eating me out of house and home.

I'd be really interested in finding out what sort of birdbath I should get. Currently I'm using the saucer to a potted plant on the ground and the juncos love it. But it's a little shallow for the larger birds. Is there a birdbath that has different depths in it that I can buy somewhere? I'm also concerned that if I do get a deeper birdbath, my juncos and smaller birds will end up in the deeper water and not be able to get out. If possible, I'd also like to get a birdbath that I won't have to use a mortgage payment on. lol

Also, how do you get birds to take seed from a bird feeder? I just bought a bird feeder last week and so far, unless I put it on the ground, the birds just ignore it. Now it is metal and I'm wondering if it's too hot for them to sit on during the day. I hang it from my canopy and the shade doesn't come completely over it until about 3pm.

By the way, do hummingbirds count? I just put up a hummingbird feeder and so far at least two of them have shown up.

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to learning more about birds here and talking with everyone!
Hi rodentraiser and a warm welcome to you from all the Staff and Moderators.

I'm sure you will enjoy it here and I look forward to hearing your news.

BTW where is PNW? Not an abbreviation I know LOL.
Hi there and a warm welcome to you from those of us on staff here at BirdForum (y)
We're glad you found us and please join in wherever you like. ;)

As to Bird baths, I use one that is standing on the ground and is about 3 feet high. It gets lots of use and you'll be able to get one at any Lowes, Home Depots or other hardware stores. Also look around for stores that deal strictly with bird merchandise. Try googling bird stores in your area. You can also by one on line. Just do another google search ;)

All my Bird feeders are hung from branches of trees and they stay cooler in the shade.

You bet Hummingbirds count :)

Enjoy and keep us posted :)
Hi, welcome to the forum. I think you will find us a friendly and helpful group.
Most likely

Pacific Northwest​

Thanks Moose. I've been on a steep learning curve in this job learning all your state abbreviations, it's not something we really do much over here.

Where does PNW actually cover? Guessing it's Washington State then?
Yes, sorry, it stands for the Pacific Northwest. I'm in western Washington state.

Thank you for the warm welcome, everyone! I think there are some bird stores around here and I'll check there for a birdbath in the next couple of days. We're supposed to get some really hot weather again next week so I want to have some water in place for all the birds.

I don't have an internet connection, so I have to come to the library to post and it may be four or more days till I'm back again. That's OK, because I'm sort of retired and on days when I don't go anywhere, I sit and watch the critters all day long. I'm sure learning a lot about those critters.
Baldies can be more populous at certain times of year in W. Washington in certain places and seasonally (and by location) more scarce. For example, from the Urban Raptor conservancy: "August-October—Most eagles leave to feast on spawned-out salmon carcasses along northern rivers" (Bald Eagle | Urban Raptor Conservancy). Then they're common in Seattle August-October.

Here are a few resources (some overlap) for Washington you might want to check:
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