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Is Nikon Monarch HG 10x42 the best choise for me? (1 Viewer)

denis, you made a very wise choice with the MHG 10X42, IMO the SFL build quality is not worth the asking retail. Might as well go and get an SF.
I would pay the extra $800 for the SFL over the MHG just to get the smoother, faster focuser. It makes a HUGE difference in birding. Trouble with the SF is the green tint. The SFL is perfectly color neutral. I have never seen a binocular with such true colors. Awesome.

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One could save the $800 and get a better Nikon EDG, with the best focuser in the industry and no CA like the SFL. With the SFL , it’s hit or mis with the focuser. I think you read too many reviews and remember things like green tint in SF’s, CA in Leica’s and glare in everything etc. etc. If somebody wants a more neutral color, they can always go EL and NL with better FOV, better CA correction, better edges and so on. EL’s right now are the best bargains on the market. You can’t even compare an EL to an SFL for $100 difference. They’re not even in the same restaurant. 😆.
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