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Isle of Wight, UK .... more a question of species ! (1 Viewer)

Dave Derrick

Well-known member
A friend took the attached photograph off the coast of the Isle of Wight last week. He suggests that it could be a SE England variant Cormorant. Is there a recognised variant called a SE England ? Or is it just a Cormorant ?

If the whole issue of variants/sub classes etc is too difficult to consider simply etc, then both my friend and I are willing to leave the position unanswered.

Very many thanks, Dave.


  • IMG_0725 (2).JPG
    IMG_0725 (2).JPG
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Hello Dave,

as already said by Steve, I think its about the two ssp carbo and sinensis.
This excellent page has been posted on BF before, I hope its helpful: Great Cormorant - The Sound Approach

(I think, Daves Cormorant wouldnt stand out/attract attention, at least for me, when swimming on a lake in SW Germany among sinensis. But that clearly doesnt mean, that it isnt a carbo= I think you need more distinctive/more confidently/easier to identify birds when claiming one in Britain??? Especially when considering integrades)

Like you I hope for more comments about this ssp ID from an british point of view. Ssp carbo is a vagrant in Germany away from the coast, so only the most distinctive birds are discovered/identified (with confidence). So its just the other way round than in Britain

See here:

(carbo, Erlichsee, SW-Germany, 01.01.2018)

(sinensis by location, Karlsruhe, SW-Germany, 02.02.2022)

(carbo, Rheinauer See in Mannheim, SW-Germany, 19.12.2010)
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