I've got an R7 and an R5. I also am in the fortunate position of being in possession of a new RF 200-800 for these past four weeks, and I love it (photos below taken yesterday).
I also have the RF 100-500, since 2021 and the RF 24-105, which replaced my EF version a few months ago.
However, in your position I would hesitate in getting the 200-800 lens as an all-rounder zoom. It's heavier, but not much, only a pound and a half, but for packing away for travelling, it's going to take quite a bit of space, since it's a bit longer and a good bit fatter than the 100-500. I've also found that the 200-800 on the R7 isn't great with birds in flight, especially at full zoom. They are so large in the viewfinder, they seem to whizz by before you can fire the shutter, and unless they are at a distance where you lose detail because of intervening atmospheric conditions, they are hard to track. You get some great shots, but you miss a frustrating number. My solution to this is to zoom back to about 500mm. The 800 works well on the same birds with my full frame R5, but with the crop body it's just too much zoom for the flying stuff. I also feel that the R7 isn't as good as the R5 with the 200-800 in dull light.
Given the choice in your situation, I'd go for the 100-500 as a walk-round zoom. It's got great reach on the crop body, and it focuses down to a lot closer range than the 200-800 zoomed out for your butterflies etc.
As for the general purpose lens, the RF 24-105 F4 is great. Very light, lighter than its EF equivalent, especially with the adapter added. I have an EF 24-70 F2.8 that I use for night shots and portraits indoor, but in my experience, that extra reach of the 24-105, makes it a better all-rounder.
The (well cropped) flight shot was at 800mm and it's soft because the bird was too far away to allow detail, OK to track at that range, but not so great at detail..
EDIT. I'm off to Tarifa at the end of April for the spring honey buzzard migration. I still haven't made up my mind which of the long lenses to take, but I'm leaning towards the 100-500 at the moment, however because of poor light for the past month, I'm still very much in the trial stage with the 200-800.