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Keeping in touch (1 Viewer)

Paul 354

Hi everyone,
I didn't get out to see my possible wood Warbler, but i have been watching a great spotted Woodpecker on my peanut feeder. It was a male with the red on the back of the head; so beautiful. During autumn i was getting a lot of Nuthatch on my other feeder, which I fill with black oil sunflower seeds. They love them, and so do the Blue, and Great tits, even Coal tits take them. The Nuthatches have taken to the woods now though, I presume to stay warm. We are lucky around here, we have lots of Oak, Beech, and mixed woodland. There are two magnificent Douglas Fir on one walk i do, and they are only small compared to the ones in America, as any American would tell you. Loads of love, talk to you again.
Paul 🌈
You are so lucky to have Nuthatches on your feeders, Paul. We have none here...so close, and yet so far! They are one of my favourite birds, but I've only ever seen them in Germany.
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