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Mallorca 2019 (1 Viewer)

Despite the Hides at S’Albufera being closed for the annual Carp kill ??, a great day with the company of Phil, Kevin and guest appearance of Mike Montier. This was followed by a trip to the Depuradora and S’ Amarador.
Birds seen included Osprey, Glossy Ibis, Great Reed Warbler, Purple Heron, Curlew Sandpiper, Woodchat Shrikes, Bee Eaters, Ferruginous Duck, Whiskered Terns, and Collared Practincole.

Mike S

Ps forgot Marbled Ducks and the escape Goldern Eagle


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A great day Mike, thanks for including me, I managed to keep up!

Other news from today.
One Spanish sparrow seen opposite the entrance to the Bóquer valley, on some yellow piping (is that part of the school equipment?)
Four Storm petrels seen from Cap Cala Figuera following trawlers into Palma Bay.
Also two Spectacled warblers there plus Pied and Spotted flycatchers.
3 Short Toed Larks at Maria de Salut close to the white house, also 3 Bee Eaters, 3 Glossy Ibis,Collared Pratincole, 7 Curlew Sands at Salbufera.
La Gola. Port de Pollensa.
Excellent site for bird updates, to meet old friends and have a chat with Christina.
30 Bee Eaters flew overhead as we approached the La Gola Centre. The usual birds seen, including Blackcaps, Sardinian Warblers, Little Egrets, Swifts, etc.
Inside we received a warm welcome.
Good discussions on the latest sightings, including Egyptian Vultures over Can Currassa road yesterday, and updates on the Collared Pratincole.
A new free list of birds of Mallorca in different languages is available.
Pere provided an update on his guided tours of Ternelles Valley. I would also recommend Pere as a guide to show you the Shearwaters of Mallorca.
As we left, we saw a Common Whitethroat, but no time for the photo.
Every visit to La Gola is a great visit.
Thanks to all those involved.
Mike S.

An evening walk to Llenaire was very enjoyable. 1000s of Barn Swallows and Swifts gorging themselves. Another large group of Bee Eaters (>30 ) feeding and displaying well.


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Wood Warbler and a pair of Pied Flys at Albuferata,
5 Bee Eaters at Bocquer entrance and Bonellis Warbler in the trees by the school.
Whitethroat Pied and Spotted fly in postage stamp wood.
Can Cuarassa later 2 Egyptian Vultures, 2 Spotless Starling and Lesser Kestrel.
Flying out from Newcastle in the morning. The forum has been essential reading in the last couple of weeks as the migration season hots up. Spending 10 days based in Port de Pollenca and really looking forward to it
You should have a great time Dave, migration is in full swing and you are in the right place.
Mabel saw and photographed White-winged black tern yesterday at Salobrar. Also, Black tern, Whiskered tern and Gull-billed tern there.
It’s a great site for tern migration, it’s just a question of getting there on the right day, they don’t stay long as a rule.
Managed an hour at S’albufera after picking the hire car up.
Lots of good birds inc purple heron and gallinule, glossy ibis etc then a large raptor which threw me until I realised it was a golden eagle. Presumably the escape bird mentioned earlier.?
A morning walk along Can Currassa road never fails. Few birders around including Kevin and Steve.
Birds seen or heard included Goldern Orioles, Woodchat Shrikes, Spotless Starlings, Common and possible Lesser Kestrel, Nightingales, Cettis and Fan tailed Warblers. 2 Egyptian Vultures were seen again(I dipped by 20 minutes..Sigh).

An evening stroll along Fishermans Walk at Sant Vincente was very pleasent.
Birds seen included Booted Eagle, Ravens, Blue Rockthrush, Sardinian and Several Balearic Warblers. Crossbills, Serins, Great tits and Blue tits in the wood before the walk.
Interesting Frogs seen in the small ponds along the path ( Green Frog?).

Mike S


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This morning at depuradura Spoonbill,Wheatear,Whinchat and not much else. Along the Son Bosc road good numbers of Bee-eaters now coming through with 30+ on the wires. Also there Short toed and Thekla lark.
Later at Can Curassa 2 Egyptian vultures, 2 Spotless starlings, Lesser kestrel , Whinchat , Woodchat shrike , 8+ Bee-eaters , Purple heron plus the usual birds.
Interesting Frogs seen in the small ponds along the path ( Green Frog?).

Mike S

I believe they are Iberian Water Frogs (!). It’s worth getting a copy of the Collins field guide to Reptiles and Amphibians. What used to be a single sp., Marsh Frog, has now been split into 13 kinds of Water Frog. In Europe Water frogs hybridise with Pool Frogs, and the resultant hybrid young can further hybridise with members of the parent species. Fortunately, according to Collins, only Iberian Water Frogs occur in the Balearics.


I believe they are Iberian Water Frogs (!). It’s worth getting a copy of the Collins field guide to Reptiles and Amphibians. What used to be a single sp., Marsh Frog, has now been split into 13 kinds of Water Frog. In Europe Water frogs hybridise with Pool Frogs, and the resultant hybrid young can further hybridise with members of the parent species. Fortunately, according to Collins, only Iberian Water Frogs occur in the Balearics.



Stew is correct, only the Iberian Water Frog (Pelophylax perezi) is supposed to occur in the Balearic Islands, where it is naturalized. There's also two toads, Bufotes balearicus, the Balearic Green Toad (also naturalized) and the native Balearic Midwife Toad (Alytes muletensis).
A brilliant morning out with Mike Swiss, Susan, Kevin and Jane followed by lunch. It’s the most fun I’ve had in ages. I have been out birding with many competitive birders over the years and today I realised more than ever that birding needs to be fun. I laughed so much my ribs hurt.
Great views of many Balearic warblers at Porto Colom. Tawny pipit, both Shearwaters, Black-winged stilts, about six Wheatears, all males except one, Whitethroat and nice views of a Wryneck.
Thanks guys, Mike


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I cannot remember any fun?

Many thanks to Mike and Kevin for showing me the nesting site of the Pallid Swifts and the wonderful scenic view of the Santueri Castle with breeding Crag Martins and Alpine Swifts.

It was a fun Day!

Roller at Can Curassa this morning, other birds included Bee-eaters, Golden oriole, 2 Booted eagles and Woodchat shrike. Unfortunately dipped on Egyptian vultures.
Boquer valley this morning.
Very busy with several large parties of school kids.
Bee eaters regularly moving north with 150+ in 4 separate groups. Pied fly,2 tree pipit, cirl bunting, golden oriole, lots of crag martins.
Brief visit to S’albufera after this. 2 collared pratincole, common sand and the golden eagle again.
A visit to Son Real today with ESRA group, but I hid in the Hide!
Birds seen today included Nightingale, Pheasents, Crossbills, Thekla Larks, Short toed Larks, Kentish Plovers, Audouin Gulls, linnets, 4 groups of bee eaters (5 - 30), Woodchat Shrikes, and at least 2 Turtle Doves.

An evening trip to Cancurrassa road ended in a dip for both the Roller and the Egyptian Vulture..sigh

As I write this, listening to the first Scops owl in Port de Pollensa. Seems to be coming from the Pollensa Park hotel area.

I have to leave tomorrow. Thanks to all for a great and fun time, especially Mike Montier.


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This afternoon at the depuradura , Ferruginous duck, 3 Wood and 4 common sandpipers. 2 birders there had seen a male Montagues harrier just before I got there. Still 30+ Bee-eaters along Son Bosc.
Later at Can Curassa, Roller, Egyptian vulture, Bee-eaters, Woodchat shrike, Spotless starling, Red kite, Booted eagle and Stone curlew(heard).
Some extra photos from Son Real

Was hoping for Oriole turning up but sadly didn't. Attached some photos to compliment Mikes. Sadly didn't get a decent one of the male black cap


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