Few Individuals, Lino !!!!
Government May have Succumbed to the Few Individuals
If Government was facing any problems with Local Council Elections, the Federation for Hunting and Conservation - Malta (FKNK), views Government's announcement that next year's Local Council Elections will be held in conjunction with the proposed referendum to abolish the traditional socio-cultural passion of spring hunting, as unethical and hasty. Thus, it may also seem, as if, Government has given-in to the pressure of the few individuals who are proposing the abrogative referendum, which individuals, were they to be genuinely convinced about their proposed abolitionist action, would not have been scared for the referendum to be held separately on its own merits.
Minister Owen Bonnici's press conference of last week, may thus, have also been too rash, since neither the Government, nor the Opposition, nor the Attorney General and nor any other interested party, have as yet, tendered their respective response, to the legal objections that oppose the holding of the proposed referendum, that the FKNK has raised with the Constitutional Court. This, apart from the fact that, the FKNK's objections are still under judicial consideration (sub judice). Consequently, the FKNK is of the opinion, that this action, may, somewhat, influence the responses of the different entities, and maybe, also of the Court itself.
The FKNK also refuses to believe, that, apparently, the Members of Parliament, have decided to completely ignore FKNK's Petition to Parliament, also in opposition to the proposed referendum. In the opinion of the FKNK, the relative Referendum Act, is being used abusively by the few individuals, in order to achieve their personal hidden agenda aim. The Petition, is signed by over 104,000 Maltese and Gozitan citizens, that amounts to one-third of the local eligible voters; by the same Maltese and Gozitans voters who have elected to Parliament, the same Members as their representatives.
The FKNK that has entire trust in the Constitutional Court's wisdom, justice and operating equity, therefore, for the time being, will await the outcome of this Court's decision.
Lino Farrugia