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My bird feeding area (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Is this bird feeding area good and safe for birds? The birds here are: great tits, blue tits, willow tits, coal tits, tree sparrows, greenfinches, collared doves and sometimes chaffinches (it is in Poland)


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It’s fine. There’s plenty of nearby cover for the birds should they wish to hide. My only suggestion would be to move the feeders a little further apart.
It’s fine. There’s plenty of nearby cover for the birds should they wish to hide. My only suggestion would be to move the feeders a little further apart.
Thanks for the answer. I have also a little problem, because sometimes tree sparrows, great tits and other birds feed on the ground. I heard that it's not good for birds, because the birds defecate on the ground. Should I do something with this or is it okay?
Do you have chaffinches - they usually feed on the ground - feeders look great btw
Yes, that's generally true Julie, but mine seem happy enough to use the seed feeder and have even come to my window feeder too (that did surprise me LOL)
Fat/suet is likely to go rancid if left uneaten in very high temperatures.

I feed it all year round.
That looks a fantastic setup Jayfeather.
I'm restricted to throwing bread to the Ducks & Geese at local pond and the local river/burn.
Well done!

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