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Need info on Rome in winter (1 Viewer)


Have binoculars. Will travel.
Hello all.

My wife and I have booked a 4 night holiday to Rome in early February. Does anyone have any knowledge of which species might be encountered while we visit the standard tourist haunts? I know, I know...February isn't exactly a peak birding month but the flights sure are cheap! LOL

thanks in advance.
'llo dennis,

been there a couple of times for meetings and had a quick look around some of the parks in the city.

The birds you should be able to pick up with little problem in the parks in Rome are:

Yellow legged gull
the hooded subspecies of carrion crow
serin (in the parks)
house sparrow
goldfinches are quite common around the parks and gardens as well
great tit
blue tit
eurasian collared dove
winter wren
(if I recall correctly) black redstart

blackcap (if you're lucky and some have decided to hang around instead of migrating to Africa)

kestrel should be a possibility
I've had one of the egrets (didn't have my binocs with me at the time) in the meadows along the railroad line from the airport to the city.
Thanks fbeeldens.

I've also heard that Great Spotted Woodpecker, Eurasian Nuthatch and Short-toed Treecreeper are possible.

Anyone else care to expand on these? I'd like to study them well before visiting.

Thanks again,
Sorry Dennis, can't help much. I just remember the blackbirds and pigeons! However, the blackbirds at dusk near the Bridge of Angels make quite a sight on their evening flight. They look like a kaleidoscope image as the flock turns this way then that.

dennis said:
Hello all.

My wife and I have booked a 4 night holiday to Rome in early February. Does anyone have any knowledge of which species might be encountered while we visit the standard tourist haunts? I know, I know...February isn't exactly a peak birding month but the flights sure are cheap! LOL

Hi Dennis, why not checking this site out: 'Where to watch birds in Rome' by Lipu:
whit a bird list:
both in English ?

Moreover, there are not the 'true' House Sparrows in Rome, but Italian Sparrows; find some photos and info by visiting the homepage of Birding Italy portal site:
where you will find also other info about birdwatching around Rome. :bounce:

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Thanks Dave. I'm saving you for my Mexico questions. :)

Foxsparrow.....excellent! Just what I needed.

Off to the books!
dennis said:
Foxsparrow.....excellent! Just what I needed. Off to the books! dennis

Hi Dennis, I wish you a lot of good observations during your next winter trip to Rome. Once returned at home, why not publishing an original report for our collection of bird trips to be found at this link:


We may host this kind of original trip reports about Italy ;)

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Hello foxsparrow.

I believe I will post a complete report. I have found a very large void of information from birders visiting Rome. With the amount of tourists parading through, I'd of thought birder's notes would be abudant.

thanks again
I too will be visiting Rome - in Feb 2008.

Some of the links above are, I think, out of date, so any up to date information on birding in Rome itself, or anywhere easily accessed via public transport would be gratefully received.
My personal experience of birding in Rome is that it sucks(mi dispia’cere). It is far too busy and the parks are too manicured, Villa Ada is about the best. You can see some interesting birds, but it is more luck than judgement. If you want a chance of seeing any good birds, you really need to get out of the city.

Rob, Yes there are some good sites around Rome. There’s ….oh with public transport, that’s a bit different. You also have to pick the right day as a lot of the reserves are only open for a day or two each week. Your best bet is Circeo, though it is a big place to wander around.

Here is a link for sites in Italy http://www.ebnitalia.it/

Having said that, I ticked a common crane flying over city last year:t: So you never know.

Goodluck and have a good time
I too will be visiting Rome - in Feb 2008.

Some of the links above are, I think, out of date, so any up to date information on birding in Rome itself, or anywhere easily accessed via public transport would be gratefully received.

Hi Rob. I'm very sorry that a website really useful for visiting birders were deleted.
So let me suggest a brief view to this new trip report, with some lines about birds in Rome (look for the lines close the Parakeet photo):
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Sorry for the thread necromancy, but I have a trip in Rome planned for next week and I'm wondering if there's any point in hoping for some bird watching or should I stick to a regular city quest? Thanks in advance!
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