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Nikon D3200 (1 Viewer)


New member
United Kingdom
I have a Nikon D3200 & a Swarovski scope with the relevant attachments.
However when I attach my scope/attachment, it says that I need to attach a lense before taking pictures.
Can anybody help please?
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I'm not quite sure what that means either. There is a lens on the camera itself right?
Hi, thank you for welcoming me.
The scope is acting as the lens. I have a Swarovski Adapter to fit where the lens would fit on my camera, & this adapater clamps on to my scope.
The problem I think is because there are no contacts on the adapter, so the camera thinks that there is no lens attached. Is there a way of tricking the camera please?
The entry-level Nikons normally need chipped lenses to operate. You may want to look at a used D200, D300 or D600 etc.
Hi, my D3300 has worked fine with the Kowa setup...have you tried putting it on manual setting? I think that's the only way it will work - the camera with think it's using an old F mount lens.
Hi, my D3300 has worked fine with the Kowa setup...have you tried putting it on manual setting? I think that's the only way it will work - the camera with think it's using an old F mount lens.
Thank you. Thats sorted it. Something so simple eh? Doh!!!
You'll probably have to manually meter, but the joy of digital is you can experiment for free. If you want metering you'll need the 'X'00 series (pretty inexpensive used for the older models, and they're built to last).
Thank you. Thats sorted it. Something so simple eh? Doh!!!
It took me a bit to figure it out. I use old Nikon manual lenses for fun - I agree with Richard that it's fun to mess with. Given the fixed f stop of the scope, your only variable is speed - I find I can just take shots with the digital and get the right exposure fast.
Hi, my D3300 has worked fine with the Kowa setup...have you tried putting it on manual setting? I think that's the only way it will work - the camera with think it's using an old F mount lens.
Hi I have just bought A Nikon D3100 for my first attempt at Digiscoping but I have a similar issue, I have no image !! help please I dont know whet to do I have the camera attached to the correct adaptor and T mount but its just a blur through the viewfinder, can you help please? ps my scope is a barr and stroud.
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