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Olympus or powershot (1 Viewer)


Looks like I posted in the wrong forum... any thoughts on this question ?

A friend was asking me what I thought about digiscoping and advice, asking me (?), good luck.

Anyway he has a Bushnell ED 80 scope and wants to marry it to a Olympus TG6 or a Powershot S120. I know nothing of the cameras and whether these are good choices. He doesn't have a Smartphone which was my question having seen great results with a phone and scope and always thought, probably incorrectly, that digiscoping could be quite clumsy. I reiterate this guy is asking me! Fortunately I can ask you guys what you think or if you have any advice for the scope which he already has and his idea for the camera.

Will these cameras produce reasonable results and are there any drawbacks. The guy is a pretty good birder but living in the mountains most of the birds will be flying, I would be think. We don't get many turkey shoots with lakes and static targets is what I'm trying say.

I have an Olympus Tough-3, bought the olympus adapter CLA-TO1, bought another adapter, attached it in the screw-thread on the CLA-TO1, and put it on the camera with the bayonet-interface, and then on the ocular on my Meopta S2 - scope. Sorry to say, there is a slightly dim area in the middle of the images taken. I don´t know why this occurs. I am disappointed with the Tough-3 as a digiscoping camera. If the Tough-6 has similar optics it may give the same problem. Maybe it is just my camera that has this problem, I haven´t had possibility yet to test with other Tough-versions to see if it is a common problem.

Hoping for feed-back from others using tough-versions as digiscoping cameras, do you have the slightly dim area in the center of images taken?
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