You please write how exactly you compared. I happen to have both binoculars presently available.Aurora wins on CA in both 8 and 10x - and imho - also wins on the entire image package.
I do not like that you and some others constantly claim - without giving any facts, indices! Such a thing repels halfway intelligent readers.
Mutual entries in our ignore lists are uninteresting - at least for third parties. You are my clown, thanks.
SteveC: Almost good:
Blue ring around the eyepiece aperture? Not bad, only remarkable when squinting for edge blur.
Very remarkable:
Eyecups lower/shorter than the metallic bezel of the eyepiece lenses!
Scratching of eyeglass lenses with screwed-in eyecups!
I love tests without noticing very important things!
Where the blue ring on the field diaphragm comes from would really interest me. You really only see it when you turn your eyes to check the really good edge sharpness. Not a technical defect of the binoculars - but a remarkable effect.
The too short eyecups (screwed in - in the eyeglass wearer mode) compared to the metallic bezel of the eyepiece lenses are to be criticized and not to be overlooked! Ratal, SteveC - so please!
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